Merlins THC Gumdrops

Been using these for years, most economical ratable medicinal experience ever! However, last few batches have been off imo. Could definitely have something to do with the heat during shipping and/or my ever changing autoimmune crapola but..... Taste was way different and I'd say affect was 40 percent of what I was used to. Anyways is it just me? Appreciate any input!


  • @Landrace , did they ship by ground or priority? If ground could be the heat?

  • @MerlinsMagic @Landrace I ordered a watermelon and blueberry and haven’t tried the blueberry but the watermelon did taste a bit different and I took an extra one and the effects were not the same imo. What flavor did you have?

  • Normally come in 2 day priority boxes. I think I had lime, a berry, and alteast one assorted and they all had that different taste to me and less affect. Waiting by window now for mail guy to deliver latest batch lol. Thanks for feedback! Ill update when I test drive the new batch.

  • @Landrace not aware of any difference on how we’ve handled in on our end, sorry it’s been a poor experience for you.

    We’re going to be adding another brand of the gummies soon so when you see them up you can mention this and we’ll send you a sample of the new one.

  • Yes consistency on them been varying past couple months, had a couple where one tin was super potent and then the other was meh and texture seemed to change instead of same as had been last few years so I had start going with more consistent and affordable ones last 2 to 3 months

  • Sorry to get back so late, was having problems logging on from phone. Last batch was of assoted flavors was really good and then they vanished from website dangit! Vapedad, do tell about your more consistent and affordable ones??

  • I will say the old gumdrops that we're more sugary and less slimey were better for me except one flavor... Mint

  • New brand is live.
    High quality plant based ingredients.

    The classic ones will be available Thursday, with a request for the offending flavor to be excluded.

  • Hell yeah something else I need get around to trying and love my edibles

  • @MerlinsMagic are they still gonna be an option for a freebie? Your gummies have beev my fave freebie choice since day 1!!! Hope so!

  • @MerlinsMagic would you guys ever consider selling 1 bag as an option or add on? Also how do these compare to the traditional. These sound delicious!

  • Still patiently waiting for the classic ones to come back.

  • Thank you. Party time! Lol

  • The gumdrops are fine for me, and it's a pretty good price for how much you get. For me, the gummies still give me the same nice effect I haven't noticed anything different about the high, (to be fair I was on a dry spell for a week so that could do it) but they do taste different which isn't a bad thing for me.

  • @superman38NC @medboy Could we do a one bag add on of the gummies? Sure.

    Classic Gummies are back with a new round of the Vegan ones in production.

  • So, what's up? No gummies offered? Do we have a idea when they will be offering them again? Love these, nice way to wake and bake. Thanks

  • Came and went. I missed them too. @merlinsmagic any update?

  • @pfk @Frogger They should be getting more here within a few days I'm pretty sure.

  • The organic gummies are back. Placed order yesterday as I’m having to back off smoking. Although that didn’t stop me from grabbing more hash. The cherry sherbet is 🔥

  • Trying to order, they're on product description but they are not on order form, please advise. Thanks!

  • @pfk Hmm that's odd. I just did some troubleshooting so hopefully that fixes the issue. Sometimes the site takes a little while to update, so I'll check back in a bit and see if it's resolved.

  • They're up now, thanks!

  • @pfk Glad to hear it :smile:

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