Held for mail-ability determination

Is this another way of saying the label indicates the package won't be getting to me?


  • Yeah. Pretty much... They found out it has tree in it. Happened to me b4 but never from here...

  • Shit happens. Usually when it happens it's the whole bunch too. Thanks in advance for making it right @HappyTrees @medboy @medman

  • @MikeyC I'm getting in touch with Happy Trees about this now. All packages that are being held will be reshipped. Remember, Medicine man always delivers!

  • Yep it has been held and you will not get that package!!
    This has happened before with happy trees to me and why i do not order much from them.Medman made it it right I had a replacment shipped the next day

  • edited October 2024

    @cmweems1964 and yeah it does happen every so often with Happy, they always reship any packages that are held ASAP though so it should only really result in a delay of a day or two.

  • Replacement arrived. They just sent all rainbow chip- no trop cookies. Please let me know when more trip cookies comes around @HappyTrees - seemed too good to be true.

  • @MikeyC yeah it seems like those trop cookies went quick!

  • @medboy that's why I ordered them as soon as I saw them. Unfortunately in this regard it was not delivered and there was no attempt to substitute anything-

  • @MikeyC Didn't you say previously that they substituted rainbow chip? It's part of the unfortunate nature of the business that sometimes substitutes need to happen if they run out of a specific strain.

  • Yeah- ordered a split of trop cookies and rainbow chip- got all rainbow chip which is a steal at the price it is at. However I ordered for the trop cookies. While this site always delivers what you received is not what was ordered more often than I'd like.

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