Christmas Sale!
Hey there everyone, well it looks like it's the time of the year again. A time to be merry, but also a time to smoke some dank buds! In the spirit of the holidays we are once again going to be doing a 20% off sale! It is going to be a one day only sale, I'll be posting the code up Sunday the 15th, late morning/early afternoon (depending on what timezone you're in). It will be active for a 24 hour period of time, and don't worry I promise not to mess it up this time haha.
Wishing everyone a very merry Christmas!
Fork yeah! Glad I scrolled up and saw this was bout to start an order but I'll hold off till then
@Vapedad78 Nice!
Thank you so much!
Yes, definitely much obliged @medboy & @medman
Wayne’s World party on excellent zing zing. Many thanks y’all. Going to see Violent Femes
I'm hoping with my christmas bonus to grab a vial of lsd... thank you for the timely sale!
@medboy fantastic! Thank you!!!!!
@Bearded_Zombie I was thinking same but it's not up at moment. Use to always be up. Now it's there then gone. I hope it comes back around by tomorrow sale.
Appreciate yall got my funds set and gotta plan out my strategy of attach for the sale lol
Lol, my cyber Monday items just got here this week. Don't need anymore, but is tempting!
Yeah I thought was gonna be similar situation but honestly I'd be taking advantage of sales lol i was pissed i missed couple other sales that went on but I'd already blew my entire load here so this makes up big time plus gonna need it anyway at this point 🤦♂️🤷♂️
I completely forgot to order for Cyber Monday so this is a pleasant surprise.
@Sixwaychili @Southernbellesmoker yall better get in while can
Thank you @medboy and @medman
@musah You're welcome! Enjoy
Is it too late? Lol
also wondering where's the code, I checked yesterday morning it wasn't up yet, now it's already done? I get not putting it on the main site but not saying when the 24 hour start is well I missed it. Grateful when you do offer discounts, at least.
yeah, i mis-read it. I thought you were gonna put it up Sunday night and have it good thru Monday. . . ?
Yeah sorry guys, the sale is over... I posted it around 9am PST yesterday and it took it down today around the same time.
aww well, now i know how those people who missed the cyber monday sale felt. .
Sucky i was tryna get more funds moved around but too much other stuff took up valuable time abv distracted me unfortunately but not complaining I'm the slightest, was still able to get decent amount of items and whatnot needed and wanted the most between both sales somehow so absolutely grateful and thrilled to open most recent when td
yeah, guess I missed the am part, lol.
Yeah it was stated to be posted late morning / early evening. I checked late morning on Sun and early afternoon on Mon and missed it. Seems intentional.
I don't think it was intentional, just a little confusing to cut it off mid-day. Didn't really need anything but thought I'd order something and save a few bucks. Guess I saved even more by not ordering at all, lol.
Same boat @Rockafire but no biggie. I thought post said till evening. So much to choose from I waited too long 🤪.
I got it this time @Vapedad78 !
well, the good news is the money I put in my crypto wallet to order has gone up in value.
@Sixwaychili awesome man glad were able to get in this one
Hey @Rockafire nice helmet !! Fonda is the King!!! Feel for you missing sale. Happy Solstice.