RSO high indica REVIEW 🫠😴
The Rick Simpson oil high indica review by me.
5/5 tasting raw barely much ethanol/alcohol tastes more on the hashy side .
5/5 Can’t recommend it more than edibles stronger than edibles and more body high to remove pains. Easily knock you out in a good way so be careful. 🫠😴
Very good for people whom have severe medical illnesses and are dying basically like me.
3/5 kind of pricey but for the service I guess it balances out, it’s pretty much the same as dispensary/rec prices without flashy syringes and packaging. They also have discount rso too on here so idk if my price review is accurate. Usually rec/dispensary rso is $100 for 3 less than a gram syringes including state tax but these are fancy and have flavoring in them and fancy packaging and fancy syringes and applicators. The ones here are regular medical syringes you can get at a drug store for free and taste more hashy which I do like over flavoring.
Conclusion :
For the usual quick service , I believe it’s worth it because I hate dealing with people and snobby dispensary workers like everyone knows what marijuana is lol, these dispensary workers think it’s some great new alien medicine. I love this service used it since marijuana was illegal here and I’ll still use it even though it is legal here. I like the packages gives me something to look forward too even though I could just drive down the street lol. They’re like Christmas presents to myself. I also recommend this service if you don’t want to be tracked or seen by employers, family and friends in dispensaries. If you’re in a non legal state I also recommend this service so you don’t have to cross state lines either that’s a big no no with highway patrol on state borders.
I recommend it 👍
Thanks for the review!
No problem it’s honest . Honesty is best .
Speaking of the Rick Simpson oil, @medboy I have ordered from you guys for something like 8 going on 9 years, and in that time one of the things i order from you consistently everytime you have it is the RSO, because i have chronic health issues and it really really helps me, its been a blessing. One of the things i do to make sure i dont run out is i place my order when i finish my first syringe of RSO, so its already on its way as i start the second one, i always buy 6 grams (2 syringes). Ive never ever had an issue, and have always avoided any stock issues as well doing it this way. Well, today my last syringe of my previous order finished and i opened my brand new six gram package, always comes with the label on the sealed package and always wrapped in some kind of paper towel, came the same way i thought nothing of it, but when i open the sealed package from my last order today, which i received around mid January, it says 6 grams on the label in the front, but when i unrolled the paper towel, there was only one syringe. This has never happened to me before, i never thought it could, since ive been ordering so long and never had something like this happen, i just assumed all was good when i received it, so i left it sealed, for freshness as usual, assuming both syringes would be in the paper towel wrapping, until today when i ran out and opened this new package from my last order and only one syringe fell out 😔 Is there anything at all you can so to help me? I still have the package that shows the package says 6 grams, also after looking at the first bag it was sealed in carefully, you can see that two syringes wouldn’t fit in there, i can take pictures if you would like, but please i need help to fix this because i need my Rick Simpson oil, all i need is the missing syringe, is there anything way you can possibly help me with this? I don’t know if there is a way you can check but i have been a long time, loyal and honest customer, i wouldn’t lie about this, i just dont know what i can show u to prove it, pls let me know if u can help me….thank you 🙏🏼
Howdy @Helensrz go ahead and send me an email (You can do this via the contact section of the main site) and we'll get this figured out there
Thank y’all so much for the Phoenix tears. Truly magical. Much more research is needed for treatment purposes but I have grossly benefited from daily intake from MM for years! IM me and I’ll tell you all about the benefits!
@pap7777 That's great! Yeah Phoenix tears are some powerful stuff for sure.
Thank you @medboy, will do 😊👍🏼
Glad it’s good medicine for you all, it’s a lovely family that has consistently been making it for us, thanks for supporting local single parent farmers.