Introducing our Newest Community Outreach initiatives! Free Bud and Coupon Codes For All!
Hey everyone! We here at the Medicineman team are trying to increase our community outreach. We're going to be implementing two new ways for you to get some free bud and a coupon code, on us!
The first way: Upload an unboxing video to youtube. Next time you receive an order from us, take a video of you unboxing the package. You can give a little commentary if you want, maybe a review if you're feeling up to it. The video must include a link to in the description of the video. I would also recommend not showing your face, address, or other identifying information in the video. Upload the video to youtube, and then send me an email with a link to the video. We will then send you a free 1/8th of Indoor bud or below, your choice of strain-- It really is that easy! We'll be trusting you to not delete the video once you've gotten your free 1/8th ❤️
Here's a good example video for anyone who's interested
The second way: Go ahead and give us a positive review on TrustPilot (you will have to make a TrustPilot Account to do this). Once complete, email me a link to your review and I'll send you a 20$ off coupon you can use on your next order!
Here's the link to TrustPilot
We figured this would be a good way to increase our community outreach, as well as reward our already existing customers
Best, -Medboy
@medboy I’ve done a trust pilot review before for you guys..any idea if I can post another?
Also I’m starting a small online seed company. Genetics’ I’ve bred for several yrs. My fav cross Strawberry Cough x Perm Marker (the male came from a bag seed of Happy Trees SC). Once I get the site fully built maybe I can find a way to recommend you guys.
Hmmm I think one is probably the limit haha. You could still do the youtube video for the free bud though
That's great! Super cool you got the seed from Happy. Yeah that definitely sounds like something we'd be interested in. Shoot me an email if you'd like
I like it good idea long as doesn't bottle neck shipping
I can handle 3x the orders FYI, no worries @Vapedad78, happy to hire more help too if needed to get orders out to the mailbox ASAP, so don't be shy in recommending more. The more buyers the easier it is for me to have more variety.
This is great and all but paying custy’s orders should be prioritized over people looking for hand outs .
@jahky502 they aren't being prioritized over normal orders. Also the amount of free 8/ths we've shipped out is astronomically smaller than the normal orders we ship daily.
I just received 2 of 2 packages I ordered last week. I love my freebie surprises, but today, I received an extra happy from @MerlinsMagic. This glass one-hitter is super cute!!! Thank you. Much love and gratitude! (I'll upload my YouTube video shortly. Thanks for these initiatives!!!) Great job, Guys!
I should review my sugar wax that perm mark*pink certz pretty quality stuff, I'm digging it
@medboy still offering this?
@Kittie Sweet!
@Mr4Sher Yep
I wish I had seen this before I unboxed!