EB orders filled by other shipper?



  • edited May 2020

    @Jerry Take a moment to think and realize that If the two men that go by the aliases @medman and @medboy are ever caught, they will never see the outside of a jail cell for the rest of their lives(not trying to scare you guys, just saying it’s true) transporting large amounts of a federally schedule 1 drug, not to mention the concentrates, those are a whole different legal issue. If the DEA got wind that a business like this was operations on a browser that you can access on safari, there would be hell to pay for the entire DEA department. They are essentially the Cannabis Heisenberg of D.C.(doesn’t help that it’s taking plus int he state capital) I know times are hard, but please, try and be grateful for what you have, many people are sitting at home dry because there plugs scammed them, at least that can’t happen here!

  • Gee liarliar03, being a bit dramatic there aren't we? I agree with others though, this ain't Amazon, and in my limited interaction with them and reading this forum, they are MORE than accommodating than any other like minded business you would find like this.

  • Actually I think @Jerry has a point. We sent him another package of his preference because in this case, we didn't hold up our end of the rules.

  • edited May 2020

    @medboy he has a point. But he could’ve had his point in a nicer gentler way, in my opinion. But I too have overreacted at times so I will not judge. Anyway thanks for what you guys do man especially during these times, it’s appreciated.

  • edited May 2020

    @liarliar03 Trust me, medboy and medman have thought about every consequence and they have every base covered. They are covered by several layers of protection . You don’t do this for as long as they have with no trouble without being brilliantly smart. Even if they were to get caught, which they won’t, marijuana is not a federal priority anymore. I don’t know why some of you guys think it still is. It’s not. There’s just not enough resources to worry about weed when you get stuff like fentanyl out there. And the cartels. But like I was saying even if they did get caught, I highly suspect they would ever see the inside of a jail cell. The burden of virtual proof is hard to prove. Not to mention EXPENSIVE. Those resources are being spent elsewhere. Also, there’s hundreds of these sites out there (this is the best, btw). Not a net big enough to throw around it all. Just one mans opinion.

  • edited May 2020

    And to think I was nervous to inquire about an error with my order last year...

    Seriously, I thought, "why would a bunch of drug dealers (murderous thugs?) give a crap that I made a mistake and put $800 in the wrong wallet?" And then the "murderous thug" surprised me by fixing it. Turns out he has a name: MEDBOY!!! Cannabis rockstar and my vote for Employee of the Year. (Across All Industries, category...)

    The End

  • Never ever ever had any legal issues but you would do well NOT to underestimate the zeal of the prohibitionists - federal, state, and local - This is true even in the so-called legal states. We are still one lawmaker away from the tyrannical madness of Jeff Sessions and his unholy / hypocritical ilk. Not trying to be condescending but those that underestimate the threat of prosecution for MM under Nixon's Schedule One designation are sadly mistaken.... Until cannabis is off ANY DEA schedule for a couple of years; no one is immune. Would also recommend that NO one sign up for any state medical card until Federal law is changed. You are leaving a record that you intend to break federal law currently in effect. Don't be so naive and gullible. Chances are that you will not get a speeding ticket for going two miles over the speed limit but it can happen... I once got a ticket for going 37 mph in a 35 mph school zone and Mr. Skinhead LEO told me that I was speeding.... I told him that the traffic sign says 40 mph after 8:45 AM and what about the other cars going by him at 50-60 mph at the same time... He tried to justify himself by telling me that his watch said 8:44:30 !!! Yes; I had the ticket thrown out in traffic court but technically they can SELECTIVELY enforce the law as it is written whether it is just or unjust. Many LEO and DA prosecute thousands and collect fines as operating revenue for their jurisdiction. In the case of Cannabis, big money in confiscated property is involved for LEO for the local jurisdiction, county and state. Big Pharma and Big Alcohol continue to fund corrupt politicians and legal authorities.. CONSIDER...

  • edited May 2020

    I apologize it was a bit harsh but I felt parts of it had to be said. I myself forget at times the risks that are being taken by them, which truly shows what great people run this company, and how they care about each and every customer. Maybe I appreciate them differently in an illegal state, I’ve seen people get locked up for years for having a gram of shatter in their pocket, I know that cannabis as a whole is becoming more mainstream, but god in 10 years if you could buy weed at say a gas station, man, that would be a game changer

  • Sorry for the long commentary but CONSIDER YOUR WAYS....

  • edited May 2020

    To bring this full circle...just got my emerald budz replacement order. From Loud. I had put in a new order with them last wkend for a half so I got an oz today. Hat's off to MM, MB and the rest for takin' care of business. 👍

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