Counterfeit and faulty vape carts.

I had bought a pair of Heavy Hitter vape carts out in LA last year. It seems as if they are counterfeit. I had no idea that this was actually a thing until a friend told me that counterfeit vape carts are an issue and that I should look at a YouTube to see where they show the hallmarks of a fake HH cart. Mine have like 2-3 of the signs that its a counterfeit. I purchased the carts at different locations too.

Would it still be safe to vape if it were counterfeit? Has anyone ever had this happen? One of the carts is faulty where there are no holes at the bottom to allow the vape juice to come out. Can I take the vape juice out of the faulty cart and put it in a new one?


  • I wouldn’t touch it, chances are it could be loaded with nasty pesticides that you definitely don’t want in your lungs

  • I agree. Do not use them.

  • Did you watch the video where the dude's vape battery blew up in his face?

    .... ;-)

  • Oyy. That sounds scary. abort!

  • Throw it in garbage!

  • Does it make you cough a lot? If yes it's not worth it.

  • It's possible that a counterfeit cartridge is totally safe. The issue is that there's no testing for them so there's no guarantee.

  • @MikeyC, I haven't been using it too much. Was waiting to see what some of the feedback here was. It doesn't make me cough anymore or any less than other carts ive used.

    @daCabbie no I haven't seen that. Was it from a faulty cart or battery or undetermined?

    @medboy yeah I thought it may be ok, just not tested but wasn't sure.

  • Alot of counterfeit carts have real oil in there, they just sell the cart cheaper because its fake

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