Mystery Indica Joint Freebie from MM

What can it be?


  • Is there any clue written on the label?

  • first couple orders i got from MM got the freebie joint but it never said what it was last few orders i request joint and get edible

  • edited August 2020

    Loud has been the only one to ever label a joint for me anyway. I’ve gotten a few from mama but never one labeled

  • Only had one MM J labeled. Now I only ever get an edible or no freebie, even if I request it in the comments for a J....

  • Do you even know it's an indica? I have several freebie joints from different orders, but they're not labeled. I'm really sensitive to sativas...smoking them seems like a crapshoot. They all came nicely individually vacuum sealed so I'll probably end up giving them away.

  • I'll take them HAHA

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