How are the edibles here? I was looking to see any pre-packaged Rice Krispie treats or the like. I noticed the Rice Krispy Balls and all that. Is that comparable? Are they homeade or are they pre-packaged treats you might find in a store/dispensary? Has anyone tried MedMama's Chocolates?
I've had mamas gummies and brownies and a freebie cookie of Louds. Brownies were meh, cookies and gummies were good though. I ordered mamas chocolate bars last Friday and I don't have a label made yet so I can't speak to those yet.
@Essy0522 Oh cool, definitely do a review of those chocolate bars! I want to try one but I want to hear what you think first. Thanks!
@jparkerj72485 did I see you say you ordered the chocolate bars from medmama?
I'm excited! I've been eyeing those chocolate bars since they showed up then I realized with green Friday AND them being 550mg it was actually cheaper and more mgs than buying more gummies lol.
I bought Louds 75mg gummies. Be warned, they taste absolutely terrible. Do not expect a gummy taste. It taste like if you had eaten a flower nugget, but with a slimy texture. They were pretty high but didn’t put me off my ass high like I was expecting. After a month or two they all stuck together, became slimy and dehydrated, and formed what I think is mold.
I have to laugh a little at the description of the chocolate bars.
"*note this is a LOT of thc in one bar. Roughly 50-100 doses for the average user. Please be careful with it!"
100 doses is 5.5mg each. An average person on this forum would eat a lot more than that! The gumdrops are 25mg each and I don't think anyone is cutting them into 5 pieces or even in half.
I'd probably cut the chocolate bar into about 10 pieces, not 50-100.
I'm not a "gummy" guy. I can't stomach gummy anything, even with THC in it. So I'll definitely try that chocolate and maybe even the rice krispie balls
@Sixwaychili I read 50-100 doses and immediately laughed. But I get that some people are more sensitive to edibles, I'm just not one of them 🤣 it does however work out cheaper mg wise for the chocolate bars over chips or gummies.
@jparkerj72485 be careful with those klonipin. My sister used to get arrested every time she took them. She would fight with everybody and do stupid shit like drive and wreck cars, three times and then had no memory of what she did. She died from drugs about (her autopsy had too many drugs to lie there, I think it was the klonipin) two years ago and my little brother died from drugs (heroin) ten years ago. He was my best friend. And many other I know that died. I’ve been off them since I had my daughter. For quite a few years now. I used to tell them all the time, why can’t you just smoke bud like me, why are you messing with that shit still. Like I said now their both dead. I’m glad you got away from that crap. Keep on keeping on dude!!
Holy shit, that's awesome man
We cannot allow the people to consume plants legally. All they can have is the evil and legal pills that make big pharma corporations trillions of dollars, despite the fact they never cure anything and have never been tested long term or in combinations. As well as being the cause of death of many millions of people. I don't get why everyone doesn't see it. The pill makers and pull pushers are called western medicine, which is a scourge on humanity far worse than anything else in history.
@Sixwaychili Right?! The Sackler family (Purdue) had to pay $10 billion plus because they lied about the benefits of Oxy and pushed that it was entirely non-addictive. It’s still one of the most prescribed drugs but god forbid we legalize a plant that has shown countless possible medical benefits
@Sixwaychili @Slabsofdabs Yeah, it's because they cannot control it. It takes infrastructure, expensive tech, and lots of time to make pharma pills that only moderate the problem. To fix the problem would be to cap off the amount of profit they make. Whereas, literally throw a seed onto your lawn and in six weeks you'll have a plant. No muss, no fuss. And the benefits from it are multiple and varied. So, the ones in power don't want to legalize it, since they would lose a chunk of their bottom line to, what they consider, "holistic medicine" that they cannot charge you for. Now, however, probably because they get a cut of the insurance company's profits from enforced things like Obamacare and the like, they know they will still get that bottom line out of us even if we're growing plants. Just my thoughts.
@jparkerj72485 Damn man! What I get from that is:
1) You need to move somewhere calmer
2) You need to get AWAY from dirt bikes
Seriously, your life sounds hectic, hard, and well-earned. The fact that you are on a positive swing and seeing the light on this side of the metaphorical tunnel shows that you have lived the 'Conan of Cimmeria' creed: What Does Not Kill You Can Only Make You Stronger