

  • If this passes, Medman better double his workforce...the amount of orders that would come in...holy crap... LOL!!’

  • As long as the 🐢 controls the senate its a dead duck.

  • @SpongePail Is he against legalization? I've never heard either way.

  • McConnell indicated that he has no plans to vote on the legislation.
    He is very against and will not bring it to a vote

  • McConnell is an asshole, he could use some bud for sure

  • edited December 2020

    DOA to the Senate unless there is a way to circumvent Moscow Mitch? Like when tech support cant help you & it has to be escalated...can we appeal to whomever is above Comrade McConnell?

  • Politics? Nice.

  • If those 2 Democrats in Georgia wins the run off race McConnell wont be majority leader anymore jan 5 so it's up to the citizens of Georgia to say if they want McConnell majority leader come January

  • Fucking mitch shoulda been voted out, so dumb

  • Vapedad, you just said another stupid thing. Happens a lot with you. Tell us how much you love pelosi.

  • Keep your fuckking political opinions to yourself. Do you really think you’re that smart?

  • edited December 2020

    I can understand not supposed to be talking politics here, but no need to be rude

  • I'm guilty of being a bit of a dick from time to time myself, in this forum and elsewhere. That said, making fun of Mitch McConnell is an easy, guilty pleasure, regardless of your political affiliation. This is a man who believes in nothing (except money). This is not Mitt Romney or John McCain or even Ronald Reagan. Those are people who at least pretend (or pretended) to have belief systems.

    If anyone wants to shut me the fuck up, show me a McConnell quote that tells me something he believes in. Something he wants to accomplish. I'll wait.

    Whether you love or hate Trump or Pelosi, they are very much trying to do things. McConnell is just a power broker. His lack of any ideology whatsoever is his legacy.

  • Opinions are like buttholes everyone has one.well except kin jun un or whatever his name is.lol that's what makes us great .

  • Wow that was fast

  • edited December 2020

    All politicians suck, prove me wrong.

    I don't need anyone ruling me. I moved out of my parents house 30 something years ago. I'm a big boy now.

  • @leaf you sound ignorant as fuck lol

  • edited December 2020

    @georgetirebiter with all due respect, they all believe in nothing but getting our money (that includes the billionaire Nancy). Both sides suck, and do not care about us.. if they did they would’ve passed coronavirus relief instead of marijuana legislation. Lifetime politicians are millionaires. It’s easy to figure out and they’re on both sides of the aisle. And behind closed doors, there’s slapping each other on the back and shaking hands and drinking beers together. It’s the biggest practical joke in the world to have us fighting amongst ourselves. All part of their plan. We got to stick together against them. @Sixwaychili You got it right brother. Peace and love that’s what we need to be focused on.

  • @jparkerj72485 nobody is deleting comments

  • We’re all grown adults here, if they want to talk about politics then let them

  • @Theboyua your absolutely right, neither side gives two shits about us!

  • This is why you dont put politics on the forumn, but seriously though you cant support people like Bitch McConnel and buy from this site. Makes NO sense

  • This is getting interesting...please dont delete it medboy I got the popcorn goin while I wait for the mail man😄😄😄

  • Pop corn nugs,

  • I'm going to quote the very best post from this entire thread thus far.

    "Wow that was fast" --nefgreen


  • i subconsciously half-disregarded any post which was overtly political anyway.. i think as a preservation mechanism. bc i don't want to think of any of yall differently. haha

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