Concentrate for arthritis pain
My girlfriend has severe arthritis pain that keeps her up often. Combustion isn’t a viable option most of time. She doesn’t like dry herb vapes but loves a vape pen. The distillates in carts seem fun for a buzz but not so much for pain. Any suggestions on effective concentrate strains? I have a crossing Core e-rig on the way to experiment with.
would definitely ask @Rubygirl816 and @MigraineWarrior79 as I think they might have good recommendations, having dealt with the concentrates on here. Also @MoonMan5 . (LOL i have different "people" now that i recommend for different things. good morning, my peoples!)
sorry your gf has to deal with that. Where are you located? If it was me, I would try to get a live rosin cartridge from like Olio or green dot or something.. but you have to live in a legal state/ dispensary. that's just the first thing that popped into my head (because she likes pens so much, that's like the only pen option that i think would give true relief)
anyway. aside from that... (that can be something you can look into or whatever), but in the meantime, of the offerings from here on medman, i would probably look into any heavy indica selections. Hindu Kush shatter, would be my first recommendation... just a classic.
for a 2nd recommendation, and probably the one I would pick myself if i was in your shoes, would be the premium Kush Mints wax. (mind you, i haven't tried this! would ask around first). But JUST based on the strain.... it's Animal Mints x Bubba Kush, which are 2 super heavy, very effective strains IMO for nausea and pain. that's where i would go., but i often try to get a positive review first from at least someone. i am kinda wary of concentrates for some odd reason but i hope this post helps somewhat.
@v32Finish No where legal... Or even reasonable driving distance... Enjoying and grateful for this site!
yeah, that's the same for me too! lol. the only reason i mentioned it was just in case.. if I ever go to colorado or cali or whatever, i'll definitely be looking for one of those, tho. still lots of great, great medicine on this site.. curious what others think would be a good choice for pain. concentrates-wise.
they are more expensive than regular carts, but they are solventless and made with fresh-frozen, rosin-pressed flowers. supposedly they contain the most terps and most broad-spectrum effect of ANY types of pens. I'm likewise, extremely grateful for this site!! makes a huge difference to alot of people. lot of respect to them. fuck prohibition.
video: (first one i could find, the intro shows what im talking about. i also like this guy's channel. . and i don't really follow alot of these "strain review", pot type channels. only a couple; this kid's is pretty good.):
@tallazguy definitely get the Hindu Kush, from medmama. I just bought four grams of it and I love it. I recently had surgery and the concentrates have really really helped me. Stick with any of the indicas. The ice cream cake from Loud was phenomenal too, I mean I took a few hits and was out for the count. Oh the pineapple upside down cake was delicious too. The gelato and sunset sherbert vape cart refills, from medmama, are great to have also. You really can’t go wrong with any of the indicas. And good morning to you as well @v32Finish I know when I have a question about concentrates the first ones I think of is @MigraineWarrior79 @MoonMan5 and also @Vapedad78, they will comment when the see this post I’m sure!
@Rubygirl816 took the words outta my mouth, lol
Can't go wrong with Hindu kush as one hit for me, and all the pain just melts away!
Diamonds are great
@LoudnCo has CRC Hash, and the Rude Boi is phenomenal!
I’m actually thinking about ordering the huckleberry kush diamonds from loud myself next
@Rubygirl816 yes been contemplating those myself, love a good huckleberry flavor
Great info you guys, and thanks @v32Finish for sharing!
Have they ever sold the rosin carts on this site before? I would definitely be interested. I help supply meds to some chronically ill family and friends who would otherwise be without and that is exactly what I think would help them as well. That RudeBoi hash is fantastic too but carts are so much easier for them to manage.
LOVE this site and the friends selflessly sharing their wisdom! Best forum and site ever! 🥰
@reshi i have been asking several times, not so much for the rosin carts (even tho that would be badass), but i would love to see more solventless in general. no luck so far, aside from the occasional live resin which i haven't tried.. i didn't read your whole comment initially before replying, so i'm editing this in here, to say that I think that's awesome and very noble- helping w/ chronically ill friends and family. i agree that full - spectrum is where it's at. (i've been considering the RSO for my own medical issues; definitely check that out if you haven't already!)
(oh and as for the solventless i was talking about... i'm personally looking for fresh-pressed rosin mostly, or even better, full-melt pressed hash rosin
... that's what i want!! that's the stuff the growers all keep for themselves LOL or the stuff that's literally $100/g at dispensaries... but somehow is totally worth it. good luck! )
@v32Finish @Reshi Before I found MM, I had a friend from Ohio ship me bud, etc. from the dispensary. She would order and pick up at curb. Long story short, they gave her an RSO syringe instead of the cart I asked for. I have to tell you I have no experience with rso and didn’t know the dosage to take so I just did like a blob, lol, on a cookie I was eating. I have to tell you guys, IT WAS THE BEST SLEEP I HAVE HAD, in quite a few years! @Reshi your chronically ill friends and family will benefit, as far as rest and relaxation from the rso. @v32Finish same for you. Just have to figure out the correct dosage. I mean I literally couldn’t get up and had no choice but to sleep.
Tread lightly with rso. A pin drop goes a long way. I pre-measure into caps. And even with that consistency, I had a major 2 hour panic attack last time. But yes, you wake up five years later trying to figure out who's President and how your 401k faired.
As @TreesPlz notes, it takes you places. I had a vision, just over a year ago, in which I recognized my chronic illness. Identified it. That vision was inspired by about 350 pin drops! (Seriously. I estimated 350-500 mg dosage...I took it in capsules, with coconut oil.)
Thanks everyone for commenting and your input! It’s hard to see loved ones suffer especially if something natural can help ease the pain and make them more comfortable. And sleep is sooooo important for the body to heal and fight disease, infection and inflammation. I’ve never heard of RSO or rosin before this site and would definitely buy lots of both if offered.
Any appetite on this @medman? I don’t live in a friendly state so options are very limited. Thanks for considering.
@v32finish - I enjoy helping others and believe we should should be good stewards of the environment and for humanity. The world be a whole lot better off if everyone tried to be a little less selfish and have a glimmer of more empathy for others. Off my soap box stump, for now at least LOL
@Reshi There is RSO on the edibles page! I ordered a couple of each... THC version and High CBD. We will give them a shot. Along with a some CRC hash, Kief Hash and few other odds and ends... :-). Thank god bitcoin is doing well and paying for it all! I got in at $11K. :-)
Oh cool thanks @tallazguy!
That’s awesome! Free meds are the best kind of meds especially on this site! Lol
@Reshi totally agree 100%. well said!
@Rubygirl816 that's amazing!! i might pick some up. i haven't thus far bc for some reason i just don't do edibles pretty much at all.. very seldom. but I am pretty sure i would benefit from it . i'm gonna have to try it out eventually!