@justaguy cannabis oil or "Rick Simpson oil" works better for me than any other than product. It just takes a whole syringe to do it. I love rso I just can't justify paying the price for the amount it takes. It takes a ton of edibles to do the same job. Don't get me wrong I think that the price is fair considering how many hands it has to pass through.
Many years ago, when detoxing people from heroin, they used to use catapres aka Clonidine. Which was god awful, FYI, might as well kicked cold turkey. Anyway, I use Clonidine (it’s a blood pressure med) to sleep every night. I can’t use other scripts because of my history with them. My doc does keep an eye on my blood pressure and all, and it works! At the very least, I get five six hours straight sleep.
@TreesPlz it's not bad I'm going to grab 1/2 a zip, best thing on the board right now for sleep. I wish BlackBerry octane would hit again, that was the best so far this year for me.
@MNTDWLER has your blackberry Kush, from loud, started moving or do you see label yet? My label is just sitting since 28th and I already got the other half of order from medmama today. Thought for sure it would started moving tonight. Matter of fact medmama already has label up for stuff I bought today.
@Rubygirl816 I have quite a bit of BlackBerry kush left from the last batch. I did order Rain Maker on the 26th and no labels on either it or the bear OG I ordered on the 27th.
I want to thank everyone here. You have listed off the kind of strains i have been looking for. I have been desperately looking for a special strain that is strong enough to make me fall asleep.
Like so many here, I don't care that much about how the high feels, I want to sleep. Without help, I can go days without sleeping. Normally the 3 day/3 nights without sleep, my mind escapes and my body follows my mind on a weird trip. I never remember anything I do but the next day, I can see where I fixed something, worked on crafts, or cooked. Thankfully that doesn't happen anymore because I take a medication at night which helps a little. Still, on a good night, I might sleep three hours. After I wake up, I can never go back to sleep. Spine, hip, or shoulder pain wakes me up. So I have been looking for that special type of weed because I need it. I would like to sleep a least 4 or 5 hours. I don't care if it is broken sleep. I don't want to take the prescription drugs they give people with sleep disorders. They're awful. I have tried so many over the years. I take one but refuse all the others.
I can't thank you all enough for all the suggestions. Embarrassed because I actually have tears in my eyes.
I feel so lucky that I found this website. I was lucky and found this site the first time I looked online. I do not have any complaints about anything I have bought here over the years. I have **not **been lucky picking the right strain to help me sleep at night. Now I have a list of recommended strains, thanks to you all.
I am trying my first concentrate. Went with a Kronocaine shatter, thanks to a suggestion from someone here I don't know what to expect but I am looking forward to trying something different. Maybe it will rock me to sleep.
@gen I'm feeling your frustration and pain as I read and type...the only pain worse than mine is anyone else's. I'm not sending you on a wild goose chase across the board. There's simply nothing I'd personally recommend for a sure fire sleeper. The last super sleeper was Mars Landing right now I've heard good things about the Blueberry being a super relaxing smoke from people I trust but it's not a heavy sleeper. what I do when strains hit the board i go to a search engine like allbud or a hundred others. Then i check out the genetics and effects on users. Before long with the advice from the great people on this forum and your own research you'll be guided in the right direction for the med's that work best for you 🙏🏼. Not even a great sleep strain can do it by itself sometimes, try adding some cdb flower or oil to the mix. I'm a well known insomniac on these pages. Many can attest to three to six days of me posting solid through the night. I understand as do so many others here how you feel and what sleep deprivation does to your life ❤. Enjoy the kronocaine it's not a sleep inducing shatter for me but then again, I don't do much more than four dabs at a time "hour intervals". Extremely high Thc levels can sometimes shoot my anxiety levels through the roof..but nothing that lasts to long or nothing I can't handle. The kronocaine isn't one of those so again enjoy 💚💨✌🏼☘
@Gen I haven't tried Merlin's meds but I can tell you that purple kush is one of my top three favorites. I don't know how strong the outdoor discount is but I'm ordering a ounce.. just because it's a extremely enjoyable sedating high. I hope this helps. 💚💨☘
@MNTDWLER It is heartbreaking but kind of nice finding other insomniacs on this form. I knew a lot of souls in here are suffering from physical and/or emotional pain. They use this site to find some relief. I have read a few heartbreaking stories about their lives and why they are here. Found out there were older souls here, like me, that had not smoked in years, who had found their way here looking for help. Initially, most are overwhelmed with all the new strains and different options.
I am surprised they gave you clonidine to help you sleep. I take it plus several others for heart and vascular problems. I take clonidine 4 times a day to rapidly bring down my blood pressure. I bet they had to watch your heart rate the entire time you used it, especially if you don't have high blood pressure or a high heart rate. Sounds like you have been through a lot over the years.
Not sure what to expect of the shatter because I have never used concentrates. I am just looking forward to something different & new. It is exciting. I bought Blueberry OG once from MM and loved it. It is my all-time favorite - a happy relaxing high that gave me the giddles. I have not tried the other Blueberry strains.
I'm an old hippy with a boatload of health problems. I realized a while ago that there is no fix for most health issues just bandages. Now I have an implanted morphine pump for the pain which is just another big bandage. It has its costs, it doesn't control all the pain, and pump patients are made into legalized drug addicts. At least weed is natural and it is better than my other options anymore. I have had enough prescription drugs.. I tried CBD products but I must have tried the wrong ones. A good indica weed relaxes my mind & body. I have been buying from MM and MB since early 2015. I was desperate at the time and found them on my first try. My implanted pump died unexpectedly which threw me into withdrawals on top of the pain. It takes several months to get a replacement pump and schedule the surgery. Those months would have been rougher if it had not been for MMs products. Now along with one muscle relaxer and a good weed, I sleep most nights for a few hours.
What has been wonderful is finally have the time and dropping into this message form and getting great information & advice from individuals like you. I didn't have the time until recently so I was guessing on most purchases. I did the best research I could but getting information here is better. I have babbled enough. Later.
Listen you little limp dick creep leave @Gen alone what the fuck did she ever do to you?? I get it now you see people here getting along sharing with each other and you can't stand it. I guarantee that you have never been in a fight in your life...or a girlfriend for that matter. Why don't you do the world a favor a blow your brains out. You know you've never been on a date and things are only going to get worse. So go borrow a gun from a neighbor because mommy won't let you have one..put it in your mouth and pull the trigger. Your mommy will cry for a week until she realizes she's got her basement back. @Gen I'm sorry for the personal attack it wasn't aimed at you it was just another in this ass hole's twisted idea of fun..
You chicken shit son of a bitch you tell me you're going to come here. I tell you where and then you're all mouth just like you always do. Take my advice on an INSOMNIACS PLEA..JUST DO IT. You started trashing gen and that just proves my point.
@Sherbato I think you need to grow up. You are not the only one that can fly anywhere or protect yourself. Guess what? Women know how to protect themselves from the likes of hateful boys like you.
@MNTDWLER Thank you, lady. There are immature trolls everywhere. They love attacking people especially women, sitting behind a screen. Most of them hide in mamma's basement sucking down beers and popping pills. Clearly, the boy knows his pills. They are either prescribed or he steals them from his momma.
He didn't get under my skin. He is the type that beats up women and calls them names. He's angry because most women today are better educated, and independent ladies that want nothing to do with the likes of him. I don't even call that a real man worth paying attention to. He is just a screen name being a coward.
@Rubygirl816 They are poor redneck trash, jealous probably because they cannot afford to buy anything here, and they lash out because no one in life will ever take them seriously.
@antfuzz never work he's got a ini not mini outie. Plus his testicles probably never dropped anyway. Hey I'm flattered to have a admirer who's first thought is me every time 😉
Ricky Rat fits the disposition. I gave the option of several laughing cartoons because he is not the brightest bulb on the planet. Everyone is laughing at him. Poor child, his daddy, if he knows who it was, must have been a horrible role model.
Someone should tell him that ho means holmium which is on the periodic table. It can also be used like land ho. It is not how you spell a derogatory name, it is just slang otherwise. Sitting behind a screen, phony screen name, & attacking people is not the only way to use a computer, laptop, or phone. Google or any search feature can be used as an education tool.
My boyfriend said that if he's an adult, he was likely at the capital on Jan 6th beating up cops and security guards. Either that or a bitter old man. I will not repeat everything he said except that everyone needs to be careful because he has to be a phony.
@Gen I'm sorry that willie wenis attacked you. This clown and I go back over a year and he shows us his arse every few months. He's pissed at me because the last time he pulled this act I think I made him run back down to the basement and cry. He's a bigot and a racist who must have a serious drug addiction to go with his mental illness. I do believe he's the mirror image of the toothless people in his post. Because there again it's a major hang up of his and like the opioids probably just a reflection of his own physique 💚💨🍀
@MNTDWLER Funny video, tiny willie is angry all the time & has serious mental health problems. Over a year? Let me guess, he shows up, gets banned, and returns using a different name? He's nothing, less than a gnat.
@Gen oh yeah this is the second time since March. He comes on gets his panties in a bunch, insults a lot of people and then signs himself out. The last time @medboy posted he had asked to drop from the forum. That's the M.O. and unfortunately you were on the other end of the rest. Kudos by the way you handled yourself much better than I did and for that I apologize. 💚💨🍀PS I wonder if he's even made another purchase since his first when he joined the forum.
@MNTDWLER i noticed immediately something was up when I saw him tell a newcomer they didn’t need a battery for CCs cartridges and “to enjoy”. When I looked at the profile, he had just made it and THAT was his first comment. I thought, here we go again.
@Rubygirl816 I must have missed the first post then . I got slammed on my wall starting at 2 a.m. and it didn't stop for 22 hours of personal attacks. But I'm flattered they even think of me at all lol. They gave up some information though, when he said they were one TOWN over. Most people refer to city's around here except for a couple of small towns that are the exception.
@MNTDWLER You have nothing to apologize for. I think I belonged to the first progressive news website. Trolling was not big at the time. When they started disrupting any newsroom or reporter, a group of us started watching out for trolls and their style. We swarmed them, reported them to a group of owners. Got them banned asap. They created another name but their style, or lack of it, never changes.
This guy is really sick and needs more help than he can get here. His name is even a hybrid strain so he learned how to do a search recently. .
@justaguy cannabis oil or "Rick Simpson oil" works better for me than any other than product. It just takes a whole syringe to do it. I love rso I just can't justify paying the price for the amount it takes. It takes a ton of edibles to do the same job. Don't get me wrong I think that the price is fair considering how many hands it has to pass through.
Many years ago, when detoxing people from heroin, they used to use catapres aka Clonidine. Which was god awful, FYI, might as well kicked cold turkey. Anyway, I use Clonidine (it’s a blood pressure med) to sleep every night. I can’t use other scripts because of my history with them. My doc does keep an eye on my blood pressure and all, and it works! At the very least, I get five six hours straight sleep.
Is blackberry kush any good @MNTDWLER for treating insomnia?
@TreesPlz it's not bad I'm going to grab 1/2 a zip, best thing on the board right now for sleep. I wish BlackBerry octane would hit again, that was the best so far this year for me.
@MNTDWLER has your blackberry Kush, from loud, started moving or do you see label yet? My label is just sitting since 28th and I already got the other half of order from medmama today. Thought for sure it would started moving tonight. Matter of fact medmama already has label up for stuff I bought today.
@Rubygirl816 I have quite a bit of BlackBerry kush left from the last batch. I did order Rain Maker on the 26th and no labels on either it or the bear OG I ordered on the 27th.
I want to thank everyone here. You have listed off the kind of strains i have been looking for. I have been desperately looking for a special strain that is strong enough to make me fall asleep.
Like so many here, I don't care that much about how the high feels, I want to sleep. Without help, I can go days without sleeping. Normally the 3 day/3 nights without sleep, my mind escapes and my body follows my mind on a weird trip. I never remember anything I do but the next day, I can see where I fixed something, worked on crafts, or cooked. Thankfully that doesn't happen anymore because I take a medication at night which helps a little. Still, on a good night, I might sleep three hours. After I wake up, I can never go back to sleep. Spine, hip, or shoulder pain wakes me up. So I have been looking for that special type of weed because I need it. I would like to sleep a least 4 or 5 hours. I don't care if it is broken sleep. I don't want to take the prescription drugs they give people with sleep disorders. They're awful. I have tried so many over the years. I take one but refuse all the others.
I can't thank you all enough for all the suggestions. Embarrassed because I actually have tears in my eyes.
I feel so lucky that I found this website. I was lucky and found this site the first time I looked online. I do not have any complaints about anything I have bought here over the years. I have **not **been lucky picking the right strain to help me sleep at night. Now I have a list of recommended strains, thanks to you all.
I am trying my first concentrate. Went with a Kronocaine shatter, thanks to a suggestion from someone here I don't know what to expect but I am looking forward to trying something different. Maybe it will rock me to sleep.
@gen I'm feeling your frustration and pain as I read and type...the only pain worse than mine is anyone else's. I'm not sending you on a wild goose chase across the board. There's simply nothing I'd personally recommend for a sure fire sleeper. The last super sleeper was Mars Landing right now I've heard good things about the Blueberry being a super relaxing smoke from people I trust but it's not a heavy sleeper. what I do when strains hit the board i go to a search engine like allbud or a hundred others. Then i check out the genetics and effects on users. Before long with the advice from the great people on this forum and your own research you'll be guided in the right direction for the med's that work best for you 🙏🏼. Not even a great sleep strain can do it by itself sometimes, try adding some cdb flower or oil to the mix. I'm a well known insomniac on these pages. Many can attest to three to six days of me posting solid through the night. I understand as do so many others here how you feel and what sleep deprivation does to your life ❤. Enjoy the kronocaine it's not a sleep inducing shatter for me but then again, I don't do much more than four dabs at a time "hour intervals". Extremely high Thc levels can sometimes shoot my anxiety levels through the roof..but nothing that lasts to long or nothing I can't handle. The kronocaine isn't one of those so again enjoy 💚💨✌🏼☘
@Gen I haven't tried Merlin's meds but I can tell you that purple kush is one of my top three favorites. I don't know how strong the outdoor discount is but I'm ordering a ounce.. just because it's a extremely enjoyable sedating high. I hope this helps. 💚💨☘
@MNTDWLER It is heartbreaking but kind of nice finding other insomniacs on this form. I knew a lot of souls in here are suffering from physical and/or emotional pain. They use this site to find some relief. I have read a few heartbreaking stories about their lives and why they are here. Found out there were older souls here, like me, that had not smoked in years, who had found their way here looking for help. Initially, most are overwhelmed with all the new strains and different options.
I am surprised they gave you clonidine to help you sleep. I take it plus several others for heart and vascular problems. I take clonidine 4 times a day to rapidly bring down my blood pressure. I bet they had to watch your heart rate the entire time you used it, especially if you don't have high blood pressure or a high heart rate. Sounds like you have been through a lot over the years.
Not sure what to expect of the shatter because I have never used concentrates. I am just looking forward to something different & new. It is exciting. I bought Blueberry OG once from MM and loved it. It is my all-time favorite - a happy relaxing high that gave me the giddles. I have not tried the other Blueberry strains.
I'm an old hippy with a boatload of health problems. I realized a while ago that there is no fix for most health issues just bandages. Now I have an implanted morphine pump for the pain which is just another big bandage. It has its costs, it doesn't control all the pain, and pump patients are made into legalized drug addicts. At least weed is natural and it is better than my other options anymore. I have had enough prescription drugs.. I tried CBD products but I must have tried the wrong ones. A good indica weed relaxes my mind & body. I have been buying from MM and MB since early 2015. I was desperate at the time and found them on my first try. My implanted pump died unexpectedly which threw me into withdrawals on top of the pain. It takes several months to get a replacement pump and schedule the surgery. Those months would have been rougher if it had not been for MMs products. Now along with one muscle relaxer and a good weed, I sleep most nights for a few hours.
What has been wonderful is finally have the time and dropping into this message form and getting great information & advice from individuals like you. I didn't have the time until recently so I was guessing on most purchases. I did the best research I could but getting information here is better. I have babbled enough. Later.
Listen you little limp dick creep leave @Gen alone what the fuck did she ever do to you?? I get it now you see people here getting along sharing with each other and you can't stand it. I guarantee that you have never been in a fight in your life...or a girlfriend for that matter. Why don't you do the world a favor a blow your brains out. You know you've never been on a date and things are only going to get worse. So go borrow a gun from a neighbor because mommy won't let you have one..put it in your mouth and pull the trigger. Your mommy will cry for a week until she realizes she's got her basement back. @Gen I'm sorry for the personal attack it wasn't aimed at you it was just another in this ass hole's twisted idea of fun..
You chicken shit son of a bitch you tell me you're going to come here. I tell you where and then you're all mouth just like you always do. Take my advice on an INSOMNIACS PLEA..JUST DO IT. You started trashing gen and that just proves my point.
@Sherbato I think you need to grow up. You are not the only one that can fly anywhere or protect yourself. Guess what? Women know how to protect themselves from the likes of hateful boys like you.
@MNTDWLER Thank you, lady. There are immature trolls everywhere. They love attacking people especially women, sitting behind a screen. Most of them hide in mamma's basement sucking down beers and popping pills. Clearly, the boy knows his pills. They are either prescribed or he steals them from his momma.
He didn't get under my skin. He is the type that beats up women and calls them names. He's angry because most women today are better educated, and independent ladies that want nothing to do with the likes of him. I don't even call that a real man worth paying attention to. He is just a screen name being a coward.
Anger management Maybe?
@medboy please delete boy
@gen I love that mouse much better than that mana munchin maniac mouse maintaining multiple magic kingdoms.. 🐀 🎶Ricky Rat 🎶Ricky Rat Right??😎
Evidently somebody came back with a new screen name to create waves again. I guess nothing better to do with their life.
@Rubygirl816 They are poor redneck trash, jealous probably because they cannot afford to buy anything here, and they lash out because no one in life will ever take them seriously.
No doubt @OzBaxter
When I run into little boys with tiny teeny-weeny wieners I mention the new castration law coming into effect. It will put them out of their misery.
@antfuzz never work he's got a ini not mini outie. Plus his testicles probably never dropped anyway. Hey I'm flattered to have a admirer who's first thought is me every time 😉
I gave the option of several laughing cartoons because he is not the brightest bulb on the planet. Everyone is laughing at him. Poor child, his daddy, if he knows who it was, must have been a horrible role model.
Ricky Rat fits the disposition.
Someone should tell him that ho means holmium which is on the periodic table. It can also be used like land ho. It is not how you spell a derogatory name, it is just slang otherwise. Sitting behind a screen, phony screen name, & attacking people is not the only way to use a computer, laptop, or phone. Google or any search feature can be used as an education tool.
My boyfriend said that if he's an adult, he was likely at the capital on Jan 6th beating up cops and security guards. Either that or a bitter old man. I will not repeat everything he said except that everyone needs to be careful because he has to be a phony.
@Gen I'm sorry that willie wenis attacked you. This clown and I go back over a year and he shows us his arse every few months. He's pissed at me because the last time he pulled this act I think I made him run back down to the basement and cry. He's a bigot and a racist who must have a serious drug addiction to go with his mental illness. I do believe he's the mirror image of the toothless people in his post. Because there again it's a major hang up of his and like the opioids probably just a reflection of his own physique 💚💨🍀
@MNTDWLER Funny video, tiny willie is angry all the time & has serious mental health problems. Over a year? Let me guess, he shows up, gets banned, and returns using a different name? He's nothing, less than a gnat.
@Gen oh yeah this is the second time since March. He comes on gets his panties in a bunch, insults a lot of people and then signs himself out. The last time @medboy posted he had asked to drop from the forum. That's the M.O. and unfortunately you were on the other end of the rest. Kudos by the way you handled yourself much better than I did and for that I apologize. 💚💨🍀PS I wonder if he's even made another purchase since his first when he joined the forum.
@MNTDWLER i noticed immediately something was up when I saw him tell a newcomer they didn’t need a battery for CCs cartridges and “to enjoy”. When I looked at the profile, he had just made it and THAT was his first comment. I thought, here we go again.
@Rubygirl816 I must have missed the first post then . I got slammed on my wall starting at 2 a.m. and it didn't stop for 22 hours of personal attacks. But I'm flattered they even think of me at all lol. They gave up some information though, when he said they were one TOWN over. Most people refer to city's around here except for a couple of small towns that are the exception.
@MNTDWLER You have nothing to apologize for. I think I belonged to the first progressive news website. Trolling was not big at the time. When they started disrupting any newsroom or reporter, a group of us started watching out for trolls and their style. We swarmed them, reported them to a group of owners. Got them banned asap. They created another name but their style, or lack of it, never changes.
This guy is really sick and needs more help than he can get here. His name is even a hybrid strain so he learned how to do a search recently.