Recent Orders from MedMama

I have been a long-standing customer and have been making orders for at least the last two to three years. There used to be five or six different people who you could purchase from and now there are only two choices left. For this exact reason I had shied away from making as many orders as I used to make in the past. Recently I have started ordering again in the last few months and have placed a couple orders with mad mama and a couple orders with loud and 28. The difference between what I have received from these two I like night and day. In both cases I ordered either discount or outdoor in order to save money. What I've received from Loud & Company has been absolutely phenomenal and I cannot praise them enough. could I have received any orders for med mama is an entirely different story and in both cases was nothing more than a bag of shake and trim. I will absolutely not be making any future purchases for med mama and if Loud and company does not have what I am looking for then I just won't order at all. Has anyone else noticed or received problematic orders from this seller or noticed similar issues with the product received?


  • It was the other way around in past it's been a while since I have ordered to. untill about a WK ago it was from loud &co. Very nice product I received. I always preford med MoMA in past. I think it's the shippers that's effected the quality. Back when the shipper from orgen was around it was always top when you ordered from him/her . Sorry you rec'd bad product I know how disappointed it can make you .

  • Thanks so much for the review! We always want to know how we're doing.

    Winston is right, it seems to flip back and forth at times. We strive to make sure that every package is quality but your experience shows that we're not perfect at it. I'll pass this feedback on to Med Mama, and the praise on to Loud!

  • I’ve been both delighted and disappointed with each of the shippers over the past couple years I’ve been around here. More the former than the latter. My go-to is almost always medmama though since medlove retired. Mamas overall history is best overall and she’s killing it with strains.

    I’ve not received any truly “low” quality shipments from her like the OP mentions. A couple of “guess I made the wrong selection” issues. But think of what’s being purchased here. We don’t have the luxury to kick the tires before sending our money, but we do get well grown left coast weed at an ok price 😉

    I find sticking to non discounted indoor offerings yields the best quality results, as my issues have been with outdoor/greenhouse orders. Never an issue with concentrates or RSO. I’ve also not ordered any premium strains.

  • edited October 2019

    Unfortunately I have to also agree with your comments, I've been buying here for a very long time and unfortunately the shipper I love the most is gone and I haven't had very good luck every sense at least not with any regularity. My friend just received an order a few days ago of indoor Willie Nelson reserve from med mama and like you said, she said while the high is nice it look like nothing but a bag of shake nothing in there bigger than her pinky. I love this place and I have for years they're great people taking tremendous risk to help others like us but I have to be honest and say I'm very disappointed in the quality as it seems to have gone down from these two shippers for a while now , at least in my experience it truly is a hit and miss anymore and yet we still pay a premium price and then you add shipping and bitcoin fees on top of it. Unfortunately I believe a lot of times recently I'm not getting what I'm paying for and in all honesty I'm not. 😕😕

  • It's not medmoma R medboy it's the shippers that are getting low quality Flowers I don't know what's going on if they have new shippers are what I agree a couple yrs ago everything I orderd was solid top notch. Now the picture don't even look like the product you rec'd. Iv been to California I know how easy it is to buy top quality Flowers for 50 to 60 a q . Off and on blackmarket.and I agree on size of flowers all popcorn at the most. For 110 plus the fee's ends up around 120 a q. We definitely should be getting very high grade . Again am pretty sure they have new shippers that are trying to get out as cheap as possible for probably 30 a q with weight. So am not sure what's going on something definitely as changed. All I can say is I do have confidence in both med MoMA and medboy to get things back on track. I mean if I new I was definitely going to get to quality I would go 120 a q .plus fees just to get that grade and no I wouldn't have to worry about what I was going to rec'd thanks to all .

  • And one other thought go back to the way it use to be charge 120 a q for premium and make sure you have a good shipper that will put out the top grade evertime . And back then when I paid that price I never received anything other than very high grade flower and I can't speak for everyone else. I would definitely pay to know it would be very nice when I rec'd it thanks

  • This is great feedback, everyone! Thanks so much for taking the time to share it.

  • Finally received my order from med mama and I just wanted to say thanks order looks good. I ordered indoor strawberry cough and indoor juicy fruit and I'm happy to say I received nothing but buds looks great and I received a free sample joint of Chem dog. Again order looks great very appreciative thank you.

  • Thanks for the feedback, I apologize for the lowered quality and want to make it right. Please write Medboy specifically if you got trim and shake and I'll replace your bunk order. I had some new help with packaging and they must have sent the bottom of the bags in addition to the flower not being as ideal. I will look for better product, which will be easier now that the new outdoors are becoming ready. During the end of the season it was harder to find quality discount options but now it is easier.

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