COVID-19 (Not spreading panic)

edited March 2020 in Questions

Remember to be careful out there guys! People are going nuts. No puffpuffpass for a while. The virus may not be harmful to us, but we can inadvertently pass it along to someone who it may be harmful to. Wash your hand, wash your pieces, and I'd even clean/sanitize your MM packages once you receive them. You never realize how many hands your packages/mail pass thru. DISCLAIMER: not trying to spread panic, this thing has been blown way out of proportion by the media, but it is something to be aware of.

Also question to @medboy : with all the lockdown stuff happening in Cali, is MedMama still accepting orders? I'm sure L&C are as Washington hasn't yet quarantined.


  • MedMama seems to be accepting orders.

  • edited March 2020

    Lockdown doesn’t mean delivery services. They are “essential”. Too important for vital resources to shut those down. Shutting down the delivery systems would be like shutting down the banks or the internet or grocery stores. Not so easy without extreme consequences, so very unlikely to happen.

  • @Joha I don't see the government labeling MMJ dispensaries as "essential" but you never know. I hope you're right.

  • @oldgregg actually so far they are labeling dispensaries essential. Just saw it on the news. Mj is medicine for many ppl these days. Lobbyists and such are pushing to keep it available and it’s working so far.

  • I hope this isn't true, but we might be without this great service by summer:

  • There is a provision in the House's Stimulus Package that would address that, including paying off USPSs $11B debt.

  • Republicans have been trying to destroy anything associated with government since I've been alive, not because of political philosophy but because they will enrich themselves and friends.

    They are up against it, though, because you cannot lie indefinitely.

    USPS and Social Security are not safe, and never will be, so if that's what motivates people to do the right thing and vote in their self-interest, so be it.

  • This is in response to Stab_Sniper's link, not your comment, TheProfessor.

  • It was just an observation. We'll see what ultimately passes. In any case, I avoid making political comments in public forums...could be because I'm a political scientist. Let's hope that we can get the medical and economic assistance and help to all of those who need it, sooner rather than later.

  • Noted, TheProfessor. I, too, try to avoid going political. At least I have, until now.

  • These are unprecedented times. You're right, we're seeing the politics of self-interest playing out before our eyes, but I also hope that for most of us "average Joes" this will also bring out the best in us as a people. Sadly, I'm somewhat skeptical.

  • That government that governs the least governs the best.

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