Classic high strain
This might be a silly question: I’m relatively new to weed (began in late February after not doing it for over 25 years.) I’m looking for advice on finding a classic high, flower strain. The kind where one spaces out listening to Pink Floyd or Grateful Dead, or the kind where in movies people just look stoned and having a good time laughing at innocuous things.
I’ve tried Mac, Sunset Sherbet, Animal Cookies and Blue Dream. All are great in their own way, but was wondering if there are certain strains that would conjure up those hippy, classic, Cheech & Chong vibes that I’m searching for. I’ve been out of the game for so long, and with so many strains available now, it’s a bit overwhelming. Thanks, and this site is awesome!
Get jack herer while it’s still on the site, brings off those perfect stoner vibes
I'm in the exact same boat @HockeyEagle, (only been out of the game for longer than 35 years.) Used to get something called Acapulco Gold back in my stoner days. I never knew about Sativa and Indica until recently when doing research. The kind of high you are looking for and the kind I remember comes more from Sativa strains from what I understand.
I appreciate the responses! @liarliar03, I have been eying up Jack Herer for awhile now, and your suggestion just convinced me to go for it. And @Rockafire, I can definitely see what you mean with sativas. I’ve been doing more Indica leans. I enjoy the body high, but am ready for a more head high. I’ve heard of Alcapulco Gold but haven’t seen it on this site yet.
Btw, how in the world do you all on this site smoke so fast?! I only need about .15 grams in my Argo vapo and it’s enough for me. It is taking me a long time to even finish an 1/8. But I generally only do it 2-3 times total a week.
LOL! I was thinking the same thing. When I found this place I was like a kid in a candy store and bought more strains than I really needed, but I couldn't help myself. Now I have enough to last me about 3 months.
Where's the red string Thai stick....
I left a quarter bag in a DaNang hotel room night stand.... and I gotta feeling it's still there.
Only users lose drugs.
@HockeyEagle I took a 10yr break from 25yrs old to 35yrs old. I'm 40 now born in 1979.
I recommend OG Kush the full indica one that's up on the site from medmama, although I haven't had it yet, but I have from another source. I shared with my 65 yr old Pop, and it has quickly become a fav of his, so I always get it when I can.
Same boat here I took a really long break I was getting baked every day back it the mid/ late 90s man some fun times. I’m 40 now and decided to try some man this stuff is a lot more potent than I remember back in the day. One or two hits does it for me nowadays. I used to smoke blunts 😂 It dont really feel the same as I did back then. I will keep buying different stuff till I find that special one
Fun thread to read, nothing about lagging label creations or usps ID issues. Reminds me of my days and nights bopping around the “underground” weed growing forums.
Cool 🙂
I took a break once for 7 years, I call it my first marriage
For the most part I’ve been daily use now (again) since ~2001. Have to say I’m feeling a little jealous reading this post, not only because I’m in a fuckin tolerance rut at the moment but also because I don’t often get that excitement/rush y’all are experiencing. I miss it.
Tho I have to admit a half cone of Pink Champagne from I guess what over a year ago has made me both chatty and annoyingly sentimental 😁
@daCabbie go back and grab that shit, I’ve had Thai weed within the last 10 years but not actual stick since the 80s. Tho any seeds in the buds may have the highest value.
Great responses, everyone! I just can’t believe how much has changed in the weed world. I got tired of watching the marijuana revolution from the sidelines and decided to rejoin after all these years. There is definitely a fun rush and excitement that comes with it.
But I guess it’s kind of like buying coffee nowadays at a coffee shop: lattes, americanos, cappuccinos, macchiatos, etc. So many options to choose from. Sometimes I just want a plain ol’ drip coffee.
Marijuana has changed where now it’s much more complex with so many more options. Different terpenes, flavors, strains, types of high, etc. It’s a good problem to have, but a little overwhelming for newbies. I appreciate this forum and the services provided by MM.
Tell me about it @HockeyEagle . I broke the bowl and downspout in my bong and it's taking me forever to figure out what the hell I need to order to replace them. Everything is so damn complicated. Hey maybe I need an ash catcher for my bong too, making it 3 times as complicated.
@Sixwaychili I went with a simple Mason jar bong
Easy to clean, and I love being able to add as much ice to it as I want
I laughed at your statement of adding an ash catcher to it, and making it more complicated
@HockeyEagle my JH is coming today! I’ll let you know how it is, but I think I already know the answer🔥🔥
@HockeyEagle I agree with @funkynugz about pink champagne. I received mine today, and it's definitely a classic!
Pick some up while you can!
Hmm, Jack Herer, Pink Champagne, OG Kush, or hold out for now.... Tough decision. I’ve been waiting for a strain called Laughing Buddha, but haven’t seen it on this site since I began visiting it in February.
The problem is, like @Rockafire, I have so much weed from the strains that I already bought with excitement, that it’ll probably take me six months to finish. I went from wondering how in the world am I going to get my hands on weed, to having too much, lol. First world problems!
@HockeyEagle I definitely am the same way. Haha!! It'll take me a while to get through what I already have too, but in my case I share with my father, so I like to have some extra laying around for him too.
I collect strains of pot like I collect coffee, lol.
I have a self in my extra closet dedicated for the weed.
Not suggesting you do the same.
What I do is research a strain that has been recommended, and check out if it's for me or not.
Lots of great sites out there for this. I like to use
LMAO @HockeyEagle ! I was telling someone the same thing. I went from: "Damn, I wish I could get my hands on some weed." To: "Damn, what am I going to do with all this weed?"

@HockeyEagle glad I’m not the only one! I’m clearly collecting too! I’m bummed I did t get my split half that was supposed to be dolato and MAC, but I am sure that I have over 20 strands and all kinds of herb stash stuff coming..... and I have to stop, but now there a new purple strain! 😬🤷♀️🤣
I’m not going to add up how much I have. And I have mypharm jars on the way now too!
I agree, the JH is an old timey high from back in the 70's. If I had more than two thumbs up to give, I would... And it arrived super fast!!
@Rockafire - a good problem to have!! 😂😂