Vape Cart Question
Hi all, bought a couple 1g vape carts from loud, been hitting it about a week now and it just looks strange? was wondering why or how to fix it i guess or if this has happened to anyone else? I've been using carts for about a year now and never seen this. (hopefully the picture attaches.. first time poster sorry!) also this is the strawnana cart
Does it still taste the same?
@stonertrash I never had a bad one yet. After sitting they tend to condense to the bottom but always been a decent high. Wish the potency would go a bit up though.
WTF is that!!
maybe it's bc i'm on a small screen but that looks like SHARDS of METAL in there fam!
yeah, i'm not an expert with vape carts as i just picked up my first one ever not long ago.. i wasn't real pleased with the taste (amnesia haze) .. but the effect was Spot-on and overall it kinda grew on me.
I've been keenly watching the vapes page and now there's all sorts of goodies in there, i'm really really torn whether to get the vape refill .. for cheaper too.. which ive never done before, OR to go with the carts & try to find one that i like even better. (eyes on Goji OG
curious what others say about that picture bc that looks gnarly as hell, whatever it is
@NOLA504 they looked all crystallized like this when they came, i got two of them and they both look like this. so i'm not sure what it's supposed to taste like but it doesn't taste strange by any means.
@rasta0458 yes i've noticed they will settle if left for a while but it's been this strange consistency since it came
@v32Finish its not shards of metal bc i pried one open and kinda poked at it, it's almost like the oil crystallized. never seen that before. my half gram goji og arrived today and i've been loving it!!
I have never ordered vapes from Loud, but those don’t look good. Probably just a one off though I’m not knocking Loud. It is possible that drastic temperature changes during shipping could have changed the structure. I use Med Mamas refill Vape syringes. They seem to be the same quality distillate that is in the prefilled cartridges. Much more affordable also
@Kris10 yessss i'm gonna be switching to those. first ones will hopefully be here monday fingers crossed!
Just heat them up with a hair dryer for about 10 seconds and it is easy to fill
Run them under warm water for a few seconds. The oil will come out much easier.
hey does anyone have a link for a good fillable empty vape cart that you can use with the refill syringes? I am looking to get some of those and make my own Super Silver Haze and Goji OG carts
Someone posted one that looked WAY better than any of the ones I can find rt now.... And I can't find the post where it was
I personally use ikrusher
Pckt makes a great cart. Someone recommended that to me when I asked on here few months ago.
I ordered the pckt carts a couple days ago. Next up, refills to go in them 😜
yeah, i'm about to do the same! i have some other empty carts here, i have refills on the way.... i can't decide whether to just use these, or get some of the PCKT ones. i will probably get the pckt ones and just have both. excited to try this, vaping is much more convenient & discreet when you're on the go or in different locations/situations
I wonder has anybody tried putting a blunt needle on the end of the refill to fill carts. Is it too thick?
i don't see why it wouldn't work other than what you just mentioned, i've heard they are pretty thick, but i think most ppl run under warm water or use a hairdryer gently (etc etc) to get it warm & a little easier to do. curious if it would work once its warmed up
Soon as my other packages come, I will order refills and try it out. I’ll let you know how it works out. I have two labels in preship, waiting for them to move
right on! that will be good to know
@v32Finish. I tried the refills but went back to the premades just because of the hassle of loading carts. The oil is like molasses and is extremely hard to express. YMMV
@soulwhat thanks for the reply.. yeah, i could definitely see that.. i have 2 syringes that just got here today, but i haven't had the pleasure.(yet) i was thinking about how to go about it... get some hypodermic needles like someone else was saying, or a glue-tip attachment for the syringe or something. i am planning on tackling the task of filling a cart or 2 over this next weekend..
@v32Finish You and I talked about filling them with a blunt tip needle. Let me know how it goes. I’m hoping to be able to order the refills soon. I ordered some of the prefilled ones from loud. Hopefully be here today. .
That's right! Yeah, I'm gonna try that.. will report in once I take a crack at it
@v32Finish yes let me know, I just ordered the refills last night. I’m hoping I can do this without making mess.
@Rubygirl816 I know what you mean, sheesh.. I received mine already but they are sitting in my drawer, still vac sealed, just because i am intimidated and haven't made a move to try to get something like we talked about to do it.. (maybe intimidated is harsh, perhaps "lazy" would also be accurate
) but yeah i will definitely report in, i'm gonna try to do something about it over the weekend. i want to have my Silver Haze up & running by next work day
They are really easy really. I set up a hair dryer about a foot away from where Im working. Hold a empty cart at a bit of a angle and Slowly let the oil run right down the center shaft. I’ve honestly only ever had any loss when I’ve dropped a refill. Once you do it a couple times it’s cake.
@Bobn218 thanks, I guess I’m just a bit nervous. Don’t want to waste any.
wait... do you fill the empty cart from the tiny hole in the bottom near the thread? or the slightly-less-tiny-but-still-small-hole in the mouthpiece ? I guess i sort of assumed that it wouldn't be possible to just "pour" it in there without some sort of device, but i will definitely try your hair dryer method . thanks @Bobn218 .. i think i am in the same boat as @Rubygirl816 , i don't want to mess it up so i just haven't tried it yet lol
@Rubygirl816 if you have any rolling papers, use them clean up any mess and syringe tips...then just crumple up the sticky parts and stuff it in a bowl with some flower!
My wife and I do it together as it's a lot easier. We use a micro-catheter that she uses at work. It fits the top of the syringe (although it does not screw on) and fits tightly, but it helps to hold it. We cut the catheter off at about 2.5 inches and it fits down in the cartridge. Heat up everything (especially the syringe) and slowly dispense from the bottom up. Again, clean up any sticky mess with rolling papers and smoke it!
@v32Finish the mouthpiece screws off. Actually, if it's clean, it all comes apart. We just take the mouthpiece off and insert the catheter tip that we have on the syringe down between the narrow metal tube that goes to the mouthpiece and the glass.
@v32Finish @TheProfessor Here you go this shows you exactly how to do it. Its pretty easy. I do it all the time.