Next drop

Looking forward to the next drop on the menu . Would love to see some very smelly sativa's pop up


  • edited May 2021

    @Tac I definitely ❤️ a good sativa! @LoudnCo any chance Happy Hour will come back? Received a couple freebies as of late and really enjoyed them! Keeping my 🤞🏼for that one 😎

  • Did you get to try the sour joker or orange diesel?

  • No wating on something different to come out . Still got indoor jack H that's my morning go too

  • I would like to see some Durban Poison hit the menu. Bought it here several years ago and it was a perfect sativa for me. I still have the Jack H & XJ-13 to keep me perking!

  • White Rhino

    These would be a few of my favorite things...

  • @OzBaxter I’d love to see Sweeties make a return! I sill have over an 1/8th but it was one of those surprise strains for me. One of its parents...White Tahoe Cookies, is also spectacular! Would love to see it or just Tahoe OG make a long overdue return to the menu.

  • I still have some Sour Diesel and Pineapple Express, but it's dwindling quickly since it's all I smoke so I don't fall asleep immediately.

  • @Skholla I agree, for me Durban Poison hits the neurons perfectly.
    Really would like to see Northern Lights or Dutch Treat.

  • Deff- like to see Durban Poison... can't remember if I have ever saw it on menu . No it's out there in cal and w- state

  • @TheProfessor Yeah this last batch of Sweeties was perfect for me. I regretted not getting more when I had the chance.

    Hey @LoudnCo what are the chances of running into some more Jaeger? 👍🏼

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