The Cupboard is bare
Getting nervous the concentrates are stuck at the ports? Anything to brightening up the menu soon?
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Getting nervous the concentrates are stuck at the ports? Anything to brightening up the menu soon?
Right? 6 days and still in label created got me anxious first time in a bit, usually least moving by now but I know they always come thru just getting skimpy lol
Yep, 6 days and still label created from Loud. Fingers crossed its not lost. Hopefully they just behind.
This time of year weather plays havoc on things up there
Still Mia and still label created but fingers crossed cause definitely getting down to remineants and gonna need before turkey day
No luck over here, had to go with another site for backup in case the vortex got it. Can't take chances with holidays coming up.
@Vapedad78 I'm looking forward to Mars landing, hindu kush and pk for Turkey Day. @Limonene Shipping has gone to shit I just had a package bounce around the southeast for a month. Three trips back and forth from Atlanta to Memphis then back to Colorado then to Texas and back to Atlanta then it hits my local P.O before being sent back to Atlanta one more time before being delivered to me 🤬. It's the time of year for joy, giving, kindness and tar and feathering the mailman 😁
@MNTDWLER ...I've had a few bounce around like that. Lately it's been good with everything arriving in a week. Looks like things are going the other way now. Hopefully it shows bc this particular order was at the wife's request and like to keep her happy 😊
Yeah gotta count my blessings cause this the first hiccup had in a min. They always come thru so definitely not worried but still hoping least comes thru prior to turkey or part does atleast
Here concentrates!! Here boy!! Come on concentrates.
^^^^^^^^ That’s me calling for the concentrates like they’re missing or something. Lol.
It appeared on ID overnight. Just in time for turkey day. Looks like they just behind.
" is like the bottom of the barrel for cannabis vendor services. This is a boof site." What does having anal sex have to do with this site?
I appreciate the info on finding other vendors. Feel free to point me in that direction anytime. A little confused though if this is the bottom of the barrel why are you here? Why are you making purchases?
I’m trying too. Thanks man
Feel free to shoot me some leads. I appreciate you brother good looking out
Hmm I have work to do. I’m confused again! Lol
@HeartlandHippie2945 While (hopefully constructive) criticism of our products and services are welcome on this board, pointing people to other vendors is not for obvious reasons. It's just rude. If you want to give people the lowdown on other places to buy please start your own forum to do that. Thanks.
@plantbased76 It's because we're not bottom of the barrel. As with ALL vendors some products are better than others.But personally I'm very proud of the overall high qualityof our products.
@HeartlandHippie2945 We're charging an amount that we feel is commiserate with the work and the risk we take involved in this kind of business. All of us involved live with the stress of living with the illegality of this and the risk we're taking doing it. It's not a simple business at all if you could see behind the scenes. We are also significantly less expensive than California dispensaries! I'm sure that there must be places that are cheaper but I doubt many have been in business 9 years. We have managed to keep a stellar reputation in all this time because of our honesty and service. You would not believe the amount of people that have written to us having been ripped off by other services.
@HeartlandHippie2945 I've been in many Cali dispensaries all over the state and our prices are lower across the board. This is due to taxes and bullshit fees they have to pay. For our concentrates if you buy 4 grams it's slightly less than 40/g. Diamonds and premium are more. I agree about the vapes and would prefer to sell name brands (and sometimes do), but we get what we can get and overall we get very few complaints about the vapes.
I agree that our eighths are not our best price but our shippers would prefer to not to sell them at all. The margin is not high enough for them and that's why they are our worst deal, because we are attempting to charge enough to make it worth their while. I personally don't make anything on the eighths it all goes to the shippers.
And I disagree that it is "far" superior though that particular bud you're showing looks exceptional. Quality varies but we have had some amazing buds come through here. Not sure how much experience you've had with our products.
Well like I said we get what we can get with our connections. Clearly we're as interested as you in getting the best. I'm not "hating" but would you would walk into a restaurant and announce that everyone should go to the restaurant across the street because the foods better? This forums intention is to communicate with our customers and support our business. It's a business for us and I'm delighted we can help people and make a good living that rewards us for our work and risk. So I'm not excited to shut you down but I do have a business to run.
Also we rely on customers to tell us if a product is not right (we can't actually try every batch and actually many on the crew dont smoke at all). If we get more than one complaint about the same product it is pulled and tested and often customers are reimbursed (there are exceptions like if we the feel the product is good and the customer has a history of complaints). Just doing our best!
Considering where I was 2 years ago until I found this place (Which was basically hoping to come across a friend every now and then with a bud or a joint they could spare), I am more than satisfied. This place has been a godsend for me. Are there better options? Maybe, but I don't feel like looking. Can't complain about medman and the service. (I'm not kissing ass, just giving my opinion.
The last time I had a one hit and quit was 1976. Got ego, go suck a duck.
@HeartlandHippie2945 well, thankfully I haven't been smoking since I was 8 years old. As a matter of fact it has been almost 40 years since I have smoked on a regular basis. But old age and this place are changing that.
Couldn't agree more @Rockafire. I've been buying here since '17-'18 and it changed my life. We're a medical state and I have a card, but at $400-$480 an oz. for everything from 15% to 39% it's expensive and quantity prohibitive. I use every prescription point I have and the quality of the dispensary cannabis is outstanding...but I rarely talk about it here...that would be kinda rude. The medicine here is of much greater "value" without question, and I have only once been disappointed by a strain that was just "meh" (I've been equally disappointed at times with dispensary medicine). Over the past few years I've had multiple ounces of Sunset Sherbet: discount, outdoor, indoor, premium, as well as 22-29% dispensary and to be honest, I'd be hard pressed to pick which was best. I'll continue to use my medical card to supplement what I get here at Medicineman (in both quantity and variety). Zero complaints! Would like to see some new strains on the menu though!🙂🧐
It's so good there you spend all day posting here about it? Makes sense!
@HeartlandHippie2945 Dude, if you think an 8 year old smoking weed is ok, then I can't help you. Have a nice day.
@HeartlandHippie2945 go somewhere else and quit bitching. big difference from you walking into a dispensary than having it sent across the US.