Cannot Access MM Website



  • Who's on a Mac and who's on a PC? Works fine for me on a Mac.

  • For those of you who are still having trouble accessing the site: Feel free to email me, I can send you a pdf of the site and process your order manually via email.

  • Cannot access whole site using my iPhone….

  • Thanks we're working on solutions but so far it seems to be mostly out of our hands. If you are having this issue look at my potential solutions above. One thing I would love to know if anyone has tried using a different internet connection and getting the same error?

  • @medman yes the whole site

  • I had the same issues until I connected to my home WiFi

  • Was working sunday eve, placed order, now im wandering if they got the order or is it in limbo?

  • I have 2 diff wifi & no worky on either

  • Im wandering about order i placed sunday? Can admin access or its the order i placed is in limbo????? Dont want another 10 or 11 day delivery if thats case ill go dispensary 2 blocks from me.

  • @Spencer feel free to email me and I can take a look at it for you.

  • Yes we're having no issues with the site. One thing that can solve the problem is to use the TOR browser which is good for your privacy anyways:

    A VPN will also work.

  • edited July 31

    I'm betting you can manually change your DNS and get it to work as well. There are a lot of public DNS you can change to.

    In fact, someone who can't get to the site, try going to (which is what points to in DNS)

  • Good solution @Sixwaychili !

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