Aside from the very large 4/20 order I flux, all mine have been arriving fairly normally. ID has been a real hit or miss, and it’s typically fine for me personally. But be patient, I promise it’ll come. Most of the time I’ll get an update either when it gets to the PO or when it’s Out for Delivery atleast, however that wasn’t the case one time & it just popped up on my doorstep & I got a delivery notification.
@TheProfessor I feel like we all secretly live in Ohio lol. I also placed an order Thursday evening, but mine says it’s coming Wednesday, strange, even in the same state. The post offices where I’m at (Toledo,OH area), has been extremely slow lately, so I’m sure that has something to do with it
@TheProfessor Strange how it all works. You placed yours Thursday and you’re getting it this Tuesday. I placed mine early Tuesday morning a.m. as soon as the new strains went up, And mine was just received yesterday by USPS yesterday arriving Wednesday. Crazy.
Regarding the ID, mine always seems to work. I’m not real happy with it what it tells me all the time but it works for the most part. I got several from loud label created but haven’t left the station yet going on a week or so, hopefully they leave tomorrow. Not complaining, it is what it is. It just boggles my mind.
Well that makes for a nice day @georgetirebiter. Enjoy! I’m still logjammed but hoping this week brings some good news. I got 3 created and 1 flyin if you believe ID. And these days, who does? Although I have to say as much as people complain about ID mine is pretty accurate. I’m thinking I’ll get them all by the end of the week which will make for a glorious weekend!
I've had from 3 to 9 business days from both suppliers with each shipper I've used being all over the place. Loud seems to be more consistent at 4 but I'm sure after mother's day things will be more consistent.
I have had good results from Informed Delivery. My current order has skipped a couple of way points as it travels across the country, but it is still being tracked.
@Joha that’s awesome to hear. I myself have never experienced anything this long before; up until this order, everything arrived within 5 days which included a holiday AND weekend. I sent an email to @medman and crew b/c I’m afraid my package may have been taken by someone else. I live in a gated community, and the mail people here are lazy as fuck - they leave packages in the mail center on the table, have been caught putting mail in the wrong boxes etc. I hope this is not the case as my order was a zip and would be a bitch if it got taken or some shit
I've had a couple orders that took a little over a week to get here, definitely not as long as other people's orders so I feel fortunate on that end.
@TheCaptain I had quite the scare the other day, I was waiting on an order to show up and my wife was expecting an order from one of her make-up sites. Anyway, luckily, she saw that her package was delivered but the box wasn't on the porch. I looked on my cameras and the mailman we had was new to our route. He was either covering for someone or training, not sure which, but he stuffed all our mail in the wrong mailbox. By a stroke of luck, her package as well as mine were still in the neighbor's mailbox. That was a definite wake up call, so we labeled both of our mailboxes better so in case we had a new carrier again, they would put our mail in the right boxes. I don't think the neighbor would have said anything , but not a chance I'm willing to take.
@Jdtokes Damn, that is scary and exactly what I’m afraid of. As for my mailbox; I have it labeled inside with my name, so they should know where my mail goes. That said, I’ve dealt with the same types of errors like you’re describing with the USPS before, so I’m just hoping that is not what happened this time.
@TheCaptain Yeah I was freaking out about it. I put names on the mailboxes and the next day we had our mail in the correct boxes and it was the same courier. That was a sigh of relief! In the past we had a mailman who wasn't delivering our mail to the mailbox, I'm not sure what he was doing with the mail but we weren't getting it. I had to call and talk to the postmaster who said that we weren't the only residents having issues getting their mail. They ended up taking him off our route.
It was definitely a close call I'd like to not repeat! lol
@Theboyua I hear ya; it sucks, but guess it’s out of our control. Just hope @medboy or @medman are able to reply to my email from yesterday sometime soon and let me know what they see on their end as far as the status on my goods. I’m holding off ordering anything else b/c I don’t want the same thing to keep happening and possibly get scammed out of another few hundred bucks again. (by USPS delivery; NOT the crew here)
Oh don’t pay any attention to me I’m just being a whiny bitch. I didn’t get what I wanted today so I’m throwing a temper tantrum. ID says one tomorrow, two hopefully I’m gonna have a great weekend! I’m usually not this impatient but being off work and at home has changed the game, I’m sure some of you know what I mean. Luckily i go back next week, thank the Lord! My family thanks him too. They are so sick of me. @MizterNiceGuy you are right about the shipping times. Tomorrow will be 9 days. Thursday’s will be 7 and 8 days. That seems to be the norm for now.
@Theboyua Lol, no worries bro. I work from home, so I am used to this, but I can imagine how different it must be for those that aren't used to it. My main reason I use cannabis is for my severe migraines. Normal medicine doesn't help much, especially with the vertigo and vomiting that comes with it, so being without God's medicine has been painful
The strains I ordered were actually 2 of my favs for migraine relief, but now I'm thinking those may not even come. I'll hope for the best, and thanks again to @medboy and @medman and @medmama and all their crew that makes medicine available to all.
Yeah I made one last Monday and 2 Tuesday. One was supposed to get here today and ID now says that it is “in transit and arriving late”. hasn’t had a scan in four days or so
I ordered last Thursday and my shipping label was printed the next day but didn't go out till Saturday.
My status went from "USPS accepted package on Saturday" to "expected delivery between "10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m." in one big update today, along with all the waypoints.
MedMama orders have been consistently four days for me during these recent times.
Loud has been double that; an anomaly, no doubt, due to virus-related restrictions.
Aside from the very large 4/20 order I flux, all mine have been arriving fairly normally. ID has been a real hit or miss, and it’s typically fine for me personally. But be patient, I promise it’ll come. Most of the time I’ll get an update either when it gets to the PO or when it’s Out for Delivery atleast, however that wasn’t the case one time & it just popped up on my doorstep & I got a delivery notification.
Happy Mother’s Day Momma!!! Happy happy child!
@TheProfessor I feel like we all secretly live in Ohio lol. I also placed an order Thursday evening, but mine says it’s coming Wednesday, strange, even in the same state. The post offices where I’m at (Toledo,OH area), has been extremely slow lately, so I’m sure that has something to do with it
@liarliar03 there does seem to be a few of us here. I'm south of you, a couple of hours down I-75. Mail here seems to be about the same as before.
@TheProfessor Strange how it all works. You placed yours Thursday and you’re getting it this Tuesday. I placed mine early Tuesday morning a.m. as soon as the new strains went up, And mine was just received yesterday by USPS yesterday arriving Wednesday. Crazy.
Regarding the ID, mine always seems to work. I’m not real happy with it what it tells me all the time but it works for the most part. I got several from loud label created but haven’t left the station yet going on a week or so, hopefully they leave tomorrow. Not complaining, it is what it is. It just boggles my mind.
My postal logjam broke...packages from both shippers today, with a new look from MedMama, packaging-wise.
Still waiting on the re-ship from the Emerald Budz episode. But today's mail cleared up many loose ends (in surprising fashion).
Well that makes for a nice day @georgetirebiter. Enjoy! I’m still logjammed but hoping this week brings some good news. I got 3 created and 1 flyin if you believe ID. And these days, who does? Although I have to say as much as people complain about ID mine is pretty accurate. I’m thinking I’ll get them all by the end of the week which will make for a glorious weekend!
I've had from 3 to 9 business days from both suppliers with each shipper I've used being all over the place. Loud seems to be more consistent at 4 but I'm sure after mother's day things will be more consistent.
I have had good results from Informed Delivery. My current order has skipped a couple of way points as it travels across the country, but it is still being tracked.
Just FYI.
Mail came today, but still nothing
USPS is killing me with these delays lol
All good here. Last one took 6 days including a weekend. was actually surprised it came that fast! 👍
@Joha that’s awesome to hear. I myself have never experienced anything this long before; up until this order, everything arrived within 5 days which included a holiday AND weekend. I sent an email to @medman and crew b/c I’m afraid my package may have been taken by someone else. I live in a gated community, and the mail people here are lazy as fuck - they leave packages in the mail center on the table, have been caught putting mail in the wrong boxes etc. I hope this is not the case as my order was a zip and would be a bitch if it got taken or some shit
I've had a couple orders that took a little over a week to get here, definitely not as long as other people's orders so I feel fortunate on that end.
@TheCaptain I had quite the scare the other day, I was waiting on an order to show up and my wife was expecting an order from one of her make-up sites. Anyway, luckily, she saw that her package was delivered but the box wasn't on the porch. I looked on my cameras and the mailman we had was new to our route. He was either covering for someone or training, not sure which, but he stuffed all our mail in the wrong mailbox. By a stroke of luck, her package as well as mine were still in the neighbor's mailbox. That was a definite wake up call, so we labeled both of our mailboxes better so in case we had a new carrier again, they would put our mail in the right boxes. I don't think the neighbor would have said anything , but not a chance I'm willing to take.
@Jdtokes Damn, that is scary and exactly what I’m afraid of. As for my mailbox; I have it labeled inside with my name, so they should know where my mail goes. That said, I’ve dealt with the same types of errors like you’re describing with the USPS before, so I’m just hoping that is not what happened this time.
@TheCaptain Yeah I was freaking out about it. I put names on the mailboxes and the next day we had our mail in the correct boxes and it was the same courier. That was a sigh of relief! In the past we had a mailman who wasn't delivering our mail to the mailbox, I'm not sure what he was doing with the mail but we weren't getting it. I had to call and talk to the postmaster who said that we weren't the only residents having issues getting their mail. They ended up taking him off our route.
It was definitely a close call I'd like to not repeat! lol
Another shit mail day for me. This waiting 10 days stuff is getting old fast. Ugh
@Theboyua I hear ya; it sucks, but guess it’s out of our control. Just hope @medboy or @medman are able to reply to my email from yesterday sometime soon and let me know what they see on their end as far as the status on my goods. I’m holding off ordering anything else b/c I don’t want the same thing to keep happening and possibly get scammed out of another few hundred bucks again.
(by USPS delivery; NOT the crew here)
Minimum of 7-8 days to receive nowadays. I was spoiled with 3-4 days. These times suck
@MizterNiceGuy i hear ya. I’m already past 10 days
Oh don’t pay any attention to me I’m just being a whiny bitch. I didn’t get what I wanted today so I’m throwing a temper tantrum. ID says one tomorrow, two hopefully I’m gonna have a great weekend! I’m usually not this impatient but being off work and at home has changed the game, I’m sure some of you know what I mean. Luckily i go back next week, thank the Lord! My family thanks him too. They are so sick of me. @MizterNiceGuy you are right about the shipping times. Tomorrow will be 9 days. Thursday’s will be 7 and 8 days. That seems to be the norm for now.
@Theboyua Lol, no worries bro. I work from home, so I am used to this, but I can imagine how different it must be for those that aren't used to it. My main reason I use cannabis is for my severe migraines. Normal medicine doesn't help much, especially with the vertigo and vomiting that comes with it, so being without God's medicine has been painful
The strains I ordered were actually 2 of my favs for migraine relief, but now I'm thinking those may not even come. I'll hope for the best, and thanks again to @medboy and @medman and @medmama and all their crew that makes medicine available to all.
So mail came again, but still nothing.
I hope I can get some form of update soon.
Feel your pain @TheCaptain ... According to ID, I should have a good day tomorrow. But that’s according to iD.
same here. Made an order thursday still nothing
Yeah I made one last Monday and 2 Tuesday. One was supposed to get here today and ID now says that it is “in transit and arriving late”. hasn’t had a scan in four days or so
I placed my order 5/6 and got it 5/11, and never recived 0 on informed mail, I was thinking all was back to normal.
Not here. Anyway. I ordered two on the sixth and they didn’t ship out till the 11th
I ordered last Thursday and my shipping label was printed the next day but didn't go out till Saturday.
My status went from "USPS accepted package on Saturday" to "expected delivery between "10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m." in one big update today, along with all the waypoints.
I blame the politicians. :-D
You ordered after I did and shipped before. Lol. I don’t get it.