Orderd Friday The 18th still no label printed. anyone else had this happen and rec'd product with out any notification from usps informed delivery . This is first time for me that mine hasn't showed a label printed with in 2 days . Am sure everything is fine tho . Thanks for any replay's
@Tac I’m not sure that informed delivery is even working right now? Or at least dependable..
Me too, but it'll be ok. Ordered on 11th & nothing. Just being patient due to the chaos at usps.
Thanks for the info . No there's alot going on with usps just like to see that label .
Ordered loud on the 16. Label popped Sunday. No movement.
Mines be late in transit for a week 🙄 its usps not medicineman
Ordered a zip of Ice Cream Cake Wednesday night. Finally saw a label created Sunday and ID now says delivery Monday 12/28. We'll see if it makes it...or if USPS decides to take it on a holiday tour around the country first.
to be honest i cant remember when i put in the order for the Ice cream cake, but i think it was the first day it came on the menu... not sure when the label popped either, i stopped checking after 2-3 days of no label, but I just checked and it says delivery on 12/24..
will it arrive by Xmas?! grabs popcorn
@v32Finish the Ice Cream Cake (along with a few others) dropped Wednesday evening and I ordered within an hour. Hope you get yours by Xmas. Ours should be here Monday, but I'm not too worried about it. It'll get here eventually.
Ordered on the 18th no label as of this afternoon. Still could be on the way I hope getting low on flower
Hopefully before Christmas
@TheProfessor thank you sir.. I appreciate you clearing it up. I couldn't remember which exact day & couldn't be bothered to look it up on my cash app
totally agree.. mine still shows it's on time, but we shall see. as you mentioned, i'm not worried about it; it will get here at some point. just hoping those who are actually running low/totally out get something for the holidays!!
hopefully before christmas! happy holidays to all
Mine is lost in transit somewhere! Going to be a dry Xmas looks like.
@v32Finish its taken me quite a long time to stock my medicine cabinet with the variety, quality, and quantity that I want...mostly in fear running out. I hope everyone gets their orders this week before Christmas. The holidays are always happier (and more relaxing and less painful) with cannabis! Happy Holidays everyone!
Happy holidays @TheProfessor !!!
@Rubygirl816 hang in there...I hope your package arrives soon! Happy Holidays!
@Rubygirl816 i just had one delivered from green Friday so hold hope!
Placed order sunday night hopefully it comes in soon!!
My order from Med Mama from the 7th hasn’t arrived yet, I think it decided to take a tour if not lost. Whisking you all a Happy and Safe Holidays!!!!
Merry Christmas and be safe to everyone thanks for all the replays.
My package appeared tonight at local PO . Going to be a green Xmas after all! Merry Xmas @MoonMan5 my friend
@MoonMan5 me also just got a label happy to see it appear
@Rubygirl816 my strongest Christmas wishes heading your way that you get that package today! Our order showed that it was in town yesterday, but then left for a different city, all still showing delivery Monday. Then today...it's now out for delivery. We'll see, but USPS seems to be trying.
I DID receive it @TheProfessor , thanks so much for the wishes! Merry Christmas and enjoy your order as well!
@MoonMan5 yes started moveing and went through a couple scans