Hey if we're that bad you keep stating your opinion. But leave the personal attacks out, this is the second time you have made a inconsiderate comment about me being in a chair.. I'm glad you're showing your immaturity or are you just a person who puts down the handicapped and pulls the wings off flies. If you really did put you wanted nothing else on your order then you are owed bitcoin or a replacement order. Yeah I guess I'm ridiculous for standing up for people who have been good to me. @medman has been a godsend for me and many others. @medboy has made every attempt to make me whole when there's a problem. Even to the extent of a reshipment. I understand not everyone is going to have the same opinion but that's what it is a OPINION. So if you want to slam the handicapped tell me the name of the nearest V.A. hospital in your area. I just want to see what a big man you are when you're face to face with my brother's . I bet you wouldn't have anything else to say about greasing wheels. Just keep your post civil and I'll do the same otherwise it's fair game that will probably end in one or both of us being banned from the forum . 🎖SEMPER Fi The Dweller
@medboy your right it just gets under my skin when a person I've never seen posted on my wall "wanna race" their first day on the forum. Breath taken bud burning & I apologize to everyone else who has to read my post about this. 💚💨🍀
Well looks like upintokes got the boot. I’m sorry @MNTDWLER he was awful saying things like he did to you! Not cool. Shame on him, just shame on him. Have a great day everyone!!
@Rubygirl816🙏🏼 thank you but I'm sorry he got booted..really sad 😪. I was hoping that after some time he would have realized...no one can help you but yourself until you can't. Thanks again but I didn't understand why he posted on my wall his first day. Especially when I've been busy and haven't really posted much...who knows I guess I'm an old a-hole who chase's kid's off my lawn 😂.💚💨🍀
@Sixwaychili you didn’t miss much. Same weirdo guy who creates a new username every two or three months then hyper posts a bunch of complaints, attacks, and other neurotic stuff at warp speed for a day or two then gets banned. Rinse and repeat. See you back here around the holidays!
Hello @medboy! Never had issues. Thanks for the update I am looking forward to more options and knocking out some xmas gifts. Thanks for doing quality work!
Everyone take a breath.
Hey if we're that bad you keep stating your opinion. But leave the personal attacks out, this is the second time you have made a inconsiderate comment about me being in a chair.. I'm glad you're showing your immaturity or are you just a person who puts down the handicapped and pulls the wings off flies. If you really did put you wanted nothing else on your order then you are owed bitcoin or a replacement order. Yeah I guess I'm ridiculous for standing up for people who have been good to me. @medman has been a godsend for me and many others. @medboy has made every attempt to make me whole when there's a problem. Even to the extent of a reshipment. I understand not everyone is going to have the same opinion but that's what it is a OPINION. So if you want to slam the handicapped tell me the name of the nearest V.A. hospital in your area. I just want to see what a big man you are when you're face to face with my brother's . I bet you wouldn't have anything else to say about greasing wheels. Just keep your post civil and I'll do the same otherwise it's fair game that will probably end in one or both of us being banned from the forum . 🎖SEMPER Fi The Dweller
@medboy your right it just gets under my skin when a person I've never seen posted on my wall "wanna race" their first day on the forum. Breath taken bud burning & I apologize to everyone else who has to read my post about this. 💚💨🍀
@medboy Just want to say thanks for all that you do.
Well looks like upintokes got the boot. I’m sorry @MNTDWLER he was awful saying things like he did to you! Not cool. Shame on him, just shame on him. Have a great day everyone!!
@Rubygirl816🙏🏼 thank you but I'm sorry he got booted..really sad 😪. I was hoping that after some time he would have realized...no one can help you but yourself until you can't. Thanks again but I didn't understand why he posted on my wall his first day. Especially when I've been busy and haven't really posted much...who knows I guess I'm an old a-hole who chase's kid's off my lawn 😂.💚💨🍀
@MNTDWLER well said, my friend, well said!
Damn I missed it. lol
@Sixwaychili you didn’t miss much. Same weirdo guy who creates a new username every two or three months then hyper posts a bunch of complaints, attacks, and other neurotic stuff at warp speed for a day or two then gets banned. Rinse and repeat. See you back here around the holidays!
So…about Merlins magical meds….
@medboy any idea if he will also offer “ready to go” cartridges? Or maybe some edibles or flower?
To be fair, that user requested their account be deleted before I saw what was going on. It's always good to see some self-reflection.
@posternugbag I'm assuming yes, but you know what happens when we assume.
I knew that was coming I missed it dang!!!
I think thats like the third time in this past year he's got in and caused a bunch of shit Crazy!!!
I told y'all yesterday it was the same fool from the 420 sale and same as doja cat .
Merlin's added some full gram carts and some discount strains.
Glad to see some flowers from this vender maybe they will hit with some heavy hitting indoors also
New vendor, eh. Neat! I like the sound of discount outdoor herbs.
just ordered a zip of the master kush hope it is as good as it looks
I ordered the sweet tooth and sour diesel OG Kush.
Is this medmama helper taking over the remnants of the sale?
Kinda pondered that when seen the refills bUT either way🤷♂️
took a shot at qtr ounce of Sour Diesel x OG Kush. Looking forward to sampling the new guy.
Hello @medboy! Never had issues. Thanks for the update
I am looking forward to more options and knocking out some xmas gifts. Thanks for doing quality work!
and Welcome Merlin's Magical Meds!
Does anyone know what state MMM is shipping from ?
@Katy lol you beat me to it..I have kronocaine shatter ordered but don't know where from..please oh please be a cali connection.
It is CA @MNTDWLER @Katy
@MNTDWLER the shatter you ordered is from CC that’s coming from CO
I just had a lable from merlins created in santa Clara same as medmama did.
Looks like they have Mama's discount bud too.