The worry is what will cause a bad trip so that's something you need to deal with before you take a real one. Starting slow and building up over different sessions is how to get there. You'll get more comfortable with it and stop worrying.
I will say I miss that first hour after it starts kicking in. Just non-stop hysterical laughter. Your stomach will hurt from laughing. After that, the key is to find activities. Being outside in nature on a beautiful day is the best possible environment. You'll never know how beautiful the world is until you do that. It's also a great way to avoid a bad trip. Make sure you stay hydrated too.
Being able to be with your dad is some great insurance there as well.
@Sixwaychili Thank you for the advice! I love being outside, so that'll definitely be a big part of where I'll be.
Pop hasn't tripped since the 70s. I'm willing to bet after I get through my 1st time, he'll want to again too. Lol
@MigraineWarrior79 just keep the good vibes. If your dad is your man, I’d say do it with him.. i have actually talked my dad into the same thing after him not having anything like that in 30or so years as soon as I can grow a decent batch or get my hands on some lol! As long as you go into it thinking positively and not on the intentions of just seeing stuff you’ll be good...
Please dont @medboy@medman . I just think it is a horrible idea. Dea and usps dont really care about Cannabis. Its almost legal now. But shrooms would just invite them in. Especially since .is is sn open searchable site. Can we just stick to cannabis please. Just my. 02. But i was mod gor zippybud and doobiedude. Shrooms lsd and such was what got them shut down, and other issues, but. Please dont just please for your and crews and customer safety.
Tried microdosing shrooms for anxiety/depression tor a while. Jury still out on that 🤷♂️ But I do want to micro ketamine.
I grew spores out I think 6 times. Did ok with fruiting only once or twice. Weed is much easier to grow imho. More forgiving than fungus if you fuck up. Last trip was about a year ago. It was pretty meh. After much less than a couple hours of giggling at mind warps and nonexistent colors I just wanted to it to be over. My spouse is pretty boring to trip with so it could have been that 😄
@MigraineWarrior79 its hard to have a bad trip on shrooms. LSD yes. Shrooms are more laid back and mellow. Do with someone who’s cool in a place that’s safe and you’ll be just fine. Things always go back to normal when the trip ends.
I am still in full support of adding shrooms as a lot of support seems to be gaining momentum here about them and in the med field. Hope we see them on the menu soon
The DEA doesn't care about large quantities of weed being sent via UPS? Since when? They do care, which is why this site does things carefully. With that said, marijuana is a smelly, smelly drug. It's odor is what gives it away most of the time. If people can carefully and successfully find a way to mask the odor of top-shelf cannabis then shipping shrooms and other "goodies" should be no problem.
The question becomes: Why take this risk? Because, this is America and we have a birthright to ingest these substances and shipping them around the country in the mail is one way we can fight back against the people who are trying to control what we put into our own bodies. "Sticking it to the man" I believe the old timers used to call it.
Laws forbidding otherwise law abiding folk the freedom to ship plants and mushrooms for the purpose of safe ingestion are unjust laws and...
"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so." -Jefferson
@Stab_Snipers love it. I do see how this news could make people think negative thoughts, but if you ask me I think they should go for it. If now is not the best time to, there never will be a better time! Fuck whoever says we as adults can’t injest something, hell that “something” just so happened to be put here for human consumption and if not then what??
@leaf 10-4 .. me too. i won't go outta my way to go try and find a street dealer or anything to buy some, but if i had easy access (such as thru MM ) i would need to reevaluate things. hehe
Another happy customer!
I almost ordered from MM when psychedelics were available before. I did order edibles flower and concentrated products.
I will order some shrooms!
Thank you mama for the tears!!!! I like a song called “holy tears”. Band is isis.
I'm itching for updates on this also. And I'm sure we're all still dying to know what "other goodies" actually means. The curiosity is about to kill this cat!
Hey man we've chatted b4 be very careful man. Your Pop's is your rock but if you do this both of you get outside for a weekend. Take your time to settle into a peaceful place then start small. Your only checking in for 3 to 6 hours depending on the individual and dosage don't be afraid of anything along your journey. If you time it right and you enjoy your first experience you and your Pop's can have a once in a lifetime experience. Please think it over and make sure that you are in the right place when you open doors of perception . I really can't tell you how many times I've tripped on shrooms high hundreds? I've never had a bad one, seen um though. Calm cool place my friend and you'll be great. An old hippies experience. Lots of love.
The worry is what will cause a bad trip so that's something you need to deal with before you take a real one. Starting slow and building up over different sessions is how to get there. You'll get more comfortable with it and stop worrying.
I will say I miss that first hour after it starts kicking in. Just non-stop hysterical laughter. Your stomach will hurt from laughing. After that, the key is to find activities. Being outside in nature on a beautiful day is the best possible environment. You'll never know how beautiful the world is until you do that. It's also a great way to avoid a bad trip. Make sure you stay hydrated too.
Being able to be with your dad is some great insurance there as well.
@Sixwaychili Thank you for the advice! I love being outside, so that'll definitely be a big part of where I'll be.
Pop hasn't tripped since the 70s. I'm willing to bet after I get through my 1st time, he'll want to again too. Lol
I'm all excited haha
@MigraineWarrior79 just keep the good vibes. If your dad is your man, I’d say do it with him.. i have actually talked my dad into the same thing after him not having anything like that in 30or so years as soon as I can grow a decent batch or get my hands on some lol! As long as you go into it thinking positively and not on the intentions of just seeing stuff you’ll be good...
Please dont @medboy @medman . I just think it is a horrible idea. Dea and usps dont really care about Cannabis. Its almost legal now. But shrooms would just invite them in. Especially since .is is sn open searchable site. Can we just stick to cannabis please. Just my. 02. But i was mod gor zippybud and doobiedude. Shrooms lsd and such was what got them shut down, and other issues, but. Please dont just please for your and crews and customer safety.
Ps. I am not anti shroom. Love em love mdma lsd 2cb dob etc. Well did its 10 to 15 years ago but still have love
Tried microdosing shrooms for anxiety/depression tor a while. Jury still out on that 🤷♂️ But I do want to micro ketamine.
I grew spores out I think 6 times. Did ok with fruiting only once or twice. Weed is much easier to grow imho. More forgiving than fungus if you fuck up. Last trip was about a year ago. It was pretty meh. After much less than a couple hours of giggling at mind warps and nonexistent colors I just wanted to it to be over. My spouse is pretty boring to trip with so it could have been that 😄
@MigraineWarrior79 its hard to have a bad trip on shrooms. LSD yes. Shrooms are more laid back and mellow. Do with someone who’s cool in a place that’s safe and you’ll be just fine. Things always go back to normal when the trip ends.
i would like to dabble in micro-dosing and of course the camping trip trip!
I am still in full support of adding shrooms as a lot of support seems to be gaining momentum here about them and in the med field. Hope we see them on the menu soon
The DEA doesn't care about large quantities of weed being sent via UPS? Since when? They do care, which is why this site does things carefully. With that said, marijuana is a smelly, smelly drug. It's odor is what gives it away most of the time. If people can carefully and successfully find a way to mask the odor of top-shelf cannabis then shipping shrooms and other "goodies" should be no problem.
The question becomes: Why take this risk? Because, this is America and we have a birthright to ingest these substances and shipping them around the country in the mail is one way we can fight back against the people who are trying to control what we put into our own bodies. "Sticking it to the man" I believe the old timers used to call it.
Laws forbidding otherwise law abiding folk the freedom to ship plants and mushrooms for the purpose of safe ingestion are unjust laws and...
"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so." -Jefferson
@Stab_Snipers love it. I do see how this news could make people think negative thoughts, but if you ask me I think they should go for it. If now is not the best time to, there never will be a better time! Fuck whoever says we as adults can’t injest something, hell that “something” just so happened to be put here for human consumption and if not then what??
@Stab_Snipers amen!
preach on brothers & sisters. i'm down like a frown
I’m in. Been contemplating a dose too long.
@leaf 10-4 .. me too. i won't go outta my way to go try and find a street dealer or anything to buy some, but if i had easy access (such as thru MM
) i would need to reevaluate things. hehe
Would fo sho buy if MM had it up
Another happy customer!
I almost ordered from MM when psychedelics were available before. I did order edibles flower and concentrated products.
I will order some shrooms!
Thank you mama for the tears!!!! I like a song called “holy tears”. Band is isis.
@medboy @medman Any updates on this?
I'm itching for updates on this also. And I'm sure we're all still dying to know what "other goodies" actually means. The curiosity is about to kill this cat!
@Stab_Snipers same -.-
Hey man we've chatted b4 be very careful man. Your Pop's is your rock but if you do this both of you get outside for a weekend. Take your time to settle into a peaceful place then start small. Your only checking in for 3 to 6 hours depending on the individual and dosage don't be afraid of anything along your journey. If you time it right and you enjoy your first experience you and your Pop's can have a once in a lifetime experience. Please think it over and make sure that you are in the right place when you open doors of perception . I really can't tell you how many times I've tripped on shrooms high hundreds? I've never had a bad one, seen um though. Calm cool place my friend and you'll be great. An old hippies experience. Lots of love.
@MNTDWLER Thank you so much, my friend! I appreciate you! Big hugs
Hope we get shrooms soon. A great alternative natural med. We all hope to see them soon.
MM quality!
Still dying for this day 😿
Me too😔
Can’t wait would definitely purchase
heeheehee (rubs hands together)
no shot!!!! ohhh medman you are a crafty one . now ima be hyped about this post all week