Don't ya hate it?
Just smoked a mystery unlabeled joint from med mama and it melted my face off. Just wish I knew what it was. I don't hate that I got a free joint, I just hate that I don't know what it was so I can look for more. Definitely a hybrid, smells of citrus and pine. Starts in my head but I don't think I can get up off the couch now. But I could probably write a book from the couch.
🤣 Same, I still have the joint. Guess I'll try it now.
I had several...gave them to my father-in-law when they passed through over the holidays. I won’t smoke anything unless I know what it is and a sativa would not be enjoyable.
yeah def. prefer to know what something is.. prefer em labeled
maybe scrawl the initials on there with a chalk pencil.. ("ICC" for ice cream cake, GSC, WC, NYSD... etc )
just spitballin here .
trying to throw out a solution that = the least amount of extra work
@v32Finish Maybe you could just ask the shipper? At the very least they should be able to narrow it down for ya.
That happened to me with my last MedMama order. It was a surprise indica for me. No label. Not bad, actually. I normally go for the sativa, but this one was OK too.
Professor, afterlife these years I’m just starting to realize that I don’t like Sativa either.
I cannot type on an iPad. I meant to say. After all these years......
@leaf I used to be able to tolerate sativa, but after I had a panic attack years ago, they're just not enjoyable. I know that there are a few sativas and sativa dominate hybrids that would probably work for me, but I don't feel the need to waste any time or money experimenting.
@jparkerj72485 while I always check for a freebie, I probably get one with well less than half my orders...maybe a third. I've been ordering from MM for almost three years, ordering once or twice a month from both primary shippers. I placed sizable orders with both shippers just before the holidays and didn't get any freebies...but no complaints here. I look at it this way...we're making illicit purchases of federally illegal substances with cryptocurrency, which are then being delivered by an entity of said federal government. Hell, I'm just thankful to get my medicine. I do hope things go better for you...this has been a rough year all around. Have hope, people do care.
The freebies are great to get. I have zero expectations, view it as a bonus.
@TheProfessor take 1mg of ativan about 30 minutes before you spark up that's what I had to do with my PTSD & subsequent panic attacks. Works like a charm & I still have energy to get stuff done.
For me, Freebies are exactly that: Free. If I don't get one, I didn't lose anything. If I get one, it's a nice surprise from a business who owes me nothing except the product I pay for.
I always ask for a freebie joint in the comment section of the order form. Have gotten one every time. I'm with @Sixwaychili, I wish medmamma would label their freebie joints like loud does.
It would be nice if the freebies were labeled alright. Most of the time I dont know what I am smoking, and I'd want to find out the strain to get more. On one order a candy of some sort was unlabeled and I wasn't sure if it was a shatter chip or had the slightest clue as to what it was. I'm not a big fan of edibles was not sure to make of it. After a good bowl of very nice flower fruitloops from loud&co, I felt brave enough to break a piece off and hit it. Darn thing bubbled into a huge black crusty glob, then I knew it had to be an edible candy of some sort🤣
@907ak420 LMAO!! Yeah those Fruit Loops are inspirational 👍🏼🤣
You keep repeating that about the political talk. Do you really think the shippers have time to match up people on these forums to orders and be like "yep thats that right wing SOB give them shake" or "oh thats the super progressive comrade give them the best premium and freebies" . They most likely dont have the time or care
It sounds to me like you have a lot more problems than not getting a freebie with your order @jparkerj72485. Hope you get things worked out.
@jparkerj72485 - Even i we were all petty enough to single someone out based on a forum post, we don't know who you are based on a forum name. Freebies are freebies, not everyone gets them and not every order has them. The shipper sometimes throws things in, sometimes they don't. I promise you, nobody is thinking about you in particular when they process their daily orders and you are in no way being singled out. I don't even know who you are to be honest, no offense.
I dunno...after I declared on this forum that I believe the Earth is flat I stopped getting freebies. Maybe the freebie conspiracy is real?! And maybe 9/11 really was an outside job.
@Stab_Snipers Oh yes, YOU I flagged.
I knew it, where's jesse Ventura and the cameras 🤣
You order when the selections very skim, getting strains you've never tried or heard of. The same week BTC value skyrockets and then premium bud shows up(the ones you know will knock your socks off).
@MoonMan5 I was wondering who got freebie carts 🙄
@Rubygirl816 i was wondering who got a box... 🙄
Flat-Earth deniers are probably the only ones to get freebie carts. It's the only explanation. Round-Earth deniers get nothing, zip, nada. Coincidence? I think not.
I know for a fact Medboy has a huge pile of joints and Jolly chips labeled: "flat Earth freebies" in his office that he has stolen from my packages, I'm simply waiting for the evidence to surface. I'm gonna blow the lid off this whole operation. Who's with me?!
He may take our freeBIES, but he'll never take....our freeDUMB!
I think if they were going off of the current value of bitcoin they would want us to buy more when the value is down. Buying when it's up just means less btc per dollar.
Round-earth denier .... I want that on a T shirt 😃
I was wondering wgaf about a freebie. I just received a freebie with my weekly order and after reading everything that's been said. I wanted to thank the elves with perfect fingers for sending me a nice tight hand rolled joint not a cone. I just took a dry hit and I'm a giggly little girl, pine and diesel out the wazoo good god fred call the great kazoo. So I gaf about a freebie when I get one "@loud it's ok not to label the joints an I or s will work we'll figure out the rest" but I don't in any way think it's George Clooney, Brad Pitt Matt Damon and the gang are coming for my goodies. I don't think? Oh hell I've been..........
I really don't understand all the fuss being made about "freebies". Nobody ever said that you are guaranteed or automatically entitled to these items. When I buy something, I don't automatically expect to get a freebie because I spent money on product. What I paid for was what I ordered, nothing more and nothing less. Do I enjoy receiving a little lagniappe with my order? Of course. Would I cause a stink and claim because the vendors found out I voted for Kanye West and the Birthday Party last election I am being targeted if I received my order and an extra wasn't included? Not at all. Though, I do think I have gotten something extra with every order so far (no free carts) simply by leaving a polite note in the comments section stating that any freebie of any sort would be much appreciated if available. The only time I specified anything was when it was hot here in Louisiana and was worried about edibles melting. They really help me find new strains or products that I wouldn't have normally purchased otherwise if I hadn't been able to try them first to see how they react with me.