Just wanted to wish you guys a great Christmas may God bless you and yours let all know that I thank them for work and help
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- WilliamDavidHowell
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may God watch over you and your hope thanksgiving is a blessing
Received the Purple Punch and Grand Daddy Purple thanks for the split and vaped the purple and must say it is smooth
Received sharks breath and runzt crumbles and they are great quality would like to get some gdp
May this be a wonderful time for all remember that Christ is the reason we have the season Merry Christmas to all
Just wondering when Loud and Merlin will be restocking would like to see some indica and some outdoor. Hey when do you think CC will be back
Was wanting to try their berry kush or the xxx and will get some more of the mix great for my sugars
May your time be shared with friends and family great and and blessed may the God of all wrap each of you in bless love have a wonderful gragtering
Hoping that this JULY 4th we remember lives that were lost to give this nation and us the freedoms that we enjoy may God bless America and may we find joys that only come from the LORD
I had this mix and will say that for the ninety days I did my blood sugar was more in control and I did not use insuln
Hope that loud and c.c will be back soon
bought cc mix and just about out of it and would love to get some more.This mix help control my Sugars
Received my order from cc the freebie is great and going to try the o of the mix hoping that it is a hit
Sad that we have people that do not respect what some of us vet gave up to let our freedoms be enjoyed by all and what has that got us some of the worst congressmen and senators to be put in office.
can't see products wondering when your issues will be fixed on the site
thanks for all the input will see what I can get done about this
Waiting for my order of outdoor Jaeger can;t wait to get it and jump my wifes bones
Had some friuty pepples lot of seeds the skywalker is a a great choice would really love to get some more GDP
Just received my skywalker og and very impressed great smell and taste wonderful pain relief, will order again thanks medboy amy God watch over you blessing
The G.G.4 the sample was one of the best strains I have had looking for it to come up
Just received some it's okay but I got a freebie joint of G.G.4 some of the best by far just wanted to say thanks you guys are great
Was wondering is all the flowers that say have been disrupted are they out and can I order and just wait for the order to be filled was wanting the Tahoe OG
We all should stay in Gods word I once was not saved and thanks to Jesus sending a WW11 vet in my life that I know went threw landing on Anzioa how God protected him all the bullets and people dying ocean was red with blood and how God was with him …
these protest I believe are nothing but trying to destroy this great nation the people do not care who is hurt. If we as the human race would look to God and read His word try and live more as my Savoir Jesus teaches this would not be, but we must r…
Thank for the advice would love to get some Gods Gift this really does my pain to go away
Like the NY Diesel really impress with the taste , and wanted to thankyou you are the best shop bar none give you a ten for service